Latest fromYouth

<i>Shelley Bridgeman:</i> PR disaster as Countdown pulls out of 'Robin Hood partnership'
The high profile coverage of Countdown's withdrawal from the Red Cross breakfast programme is a public relations nightmare.

'Woefully deficient' youth services
New Zealand has a "woefully deficient" number of mental health services aimed specifically at young people and medical staff were poorly trained to identify those young people who might be at risk, according to a new report.

<i>Shelley Bridgeman</i>: Disney, a lifelong fairytale ... or something more sinister?
So I thought I understood the Disney brand; it's about movies, theme parks and happy childhood memories, right? Well, as I discovered on a five-day stay at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, Disney is actually far, far, more than that.

<i>Dita De Boni</i>: Trying to keep the faith
It depresses me to think that inevitably, one if not all of my children will make their futures offshore.

<i>Dita De Boni</i>: My 'real' mummy
I am accustomed to being hailed from the other side of the house to the cries of "mummy! mummy!", but by now, I know I'm not the character in the house that goes by that name.

R.E.S.P.E.C.T. find out what it means to me
Being respectful is an admirable quality. I know I probably sound like some old digger who fought in the trenches for his country when I say that sort of thing, but it is.

Weekend project: Ramping up the action
Justin Newcombe creates some skateboard fun in his own driveway.

Facebook tribute pages to dead student Emily defaced
Facebook tribute pages to Emily Longley were defaced with lewd photos and nasty...

Scott Kara's Forward Thinking
While I've only watched Coronation Street in passing over the years, from what I've seen recently, the murder plots, dodgy affairs (yes, Kevin, I've seen you in bed with that floozy. Poor Sally)