Latest fromYouth

Broadsides: How can we get more young people into jobs?
We asked Labour's Jacinda Ardern and National's Nikki Kaye to address youth unemployment.

Same-sex date banned at school ball
A Wellington boys' college has banned a student from bringing his male date to this weekend's school ball.

How to make child's play of cooking
Those TV cooking shows may be inspiring a new generation of Kiwi chefs. By Gill South.

Tapu Misa: Fixing issues starts with understanding
A child psychologist asked to fix a delinquent child knows what the parents seldom recognise...

Claire Gourley: Teens in the kitchen
Claire Gourley, the author of Who's Cooking Tonight? says: "I love food but I'm always busy with friends, school and sport and don't have much time to spend cooking. But that doesn't mean I want to settle for average food ... "

Facebook predator and victim face off
Natalia Burgess met with the woman whose image she stole for a fake online profile.

Spate of deaths hits mill town
13 youths from Kawerau have died suddenly in just 18 months, with "no rhyme or reason."

Paul Holmes: Nothing for free - it's the basic welfare rule
Cutting benefit costs a tough task, but there are avoidable mistakes.

Score-cap rule draws mixed response from Oz
Australian great says rules unlikely to change across Tasman but size difference in junior players is an issue.

Where are the jobs? Youth unemployment crisis in the north
Just over a fifth of all working-age Northlanders were on welfare benefits at the end of March.

Scientists in dark on Kronic's ill effects
A top Govt scientist says there is an "appalling" lack of information about synthetic cannabis products.

Sir Peter Gluckman: Early intervention vital for helping NZ's troubled young
More needs to be done during early childhood, write Peter Gluckman and Harlene Hayne.

<i>Shelley Bridgeman:</i> Body image and young girls
The news story about the mother who injected her eight-year-old daughter's face with Botox has turned out to be a hoax.