Latest fromYour Health

Man's pregnancy test reveals cancer
A positive pregnancy test - taken by a man as a gag - led him to find out he had testicular cancer.

Blog: Worrying makes bad stuff happen
Worrying is a pointless activity. Fact! Worrying is focusing on a fear that is not currently present. It's worrying about a thing that may or may not happen later.

PMS moods mostly myth - study
A long-held belief that women are moody in the days before their period is largely a myth, according to a New Zealand researcher.

Blog: Four words to change your life
Want to transform your happiness at work or home life with just four little words? Sure you do.

Blog: How to extend the holiday buzz
Being away in fabulous Turkey has been a blur of sunshine, family, laughter and new sights, smells and tastes. A total break from the usual routine, any stress has melted away in the lazy Turkish summer heat.

Blog: A question of weight loss
Here’s the thing. Our brain is like Google. It’s an incredibly efficient search engine.

Blog: Once were worriers
Worrying about our problems is an almost constant occupation for many of us. The worry that we are raising our children right, or that we are doing a good enough job at work, that our parents are healthy and independent, that our spouse is happy.

Blog: Looking after number one
Self-care is often confused with selfishness, so frequently comes very low down on people's "To do" list - just under "clean out the garage" and "take jacket to the drycleaners".

Whooping cough, a baby's struggle
This video shows chilling effects of whooping cough on babies Waikato mum Stacey Illingworth is sharing footage of her baby’s struggle with whooping cough to help prevent other parents going through the same trauma. Stacey and her daughter Sativah returned home to Te Aroha recently after spending five weeks in Waikato Hospital. Because Sativah was too young to be fully immunised against whooping cough (pertussis), Ms Illingworth is encouraging all parents to be immunised, and try and avoid contact with anyone who is unwell, especially if they have a cough. Video courtesy Waikato District Health Board.

Finding an upside to the common cold
There is an upside to getting a cold. We're forced to slow down, says Cliff Taylor.