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Blog: The gift of words
"You would be fantastic at that!" I heard one woman say to another in a cafe last weekend. "You think well on your feet, you are super-organised and you have fantastic presentation skills; it could be the perfect job."

Toxic end to dream island holiday
As soon as she took a bite of the fish caught and prepared for her by some Fijian locals, Amanda Austrin knew something was wrong.

NZ woman poisoned in paradise
A New Zealand woman has spent more than 30 weeks in hospital and cannot eat properly after she was poisoned while eating fish during a dream holiday in Fiji.

Nicky Park: Honey is sweet as
Honey - and the way it tastes on warm oats, nourishes skin and soothes sore insides makes Life and Style editor Nicky Park very, very happy.

Meredith Nash: Pregnancy a precarious perch
Many women miscarry without a safety net of support, writes Meredith Nash. But why is it taboo to talk about foetal loss in public?

Mistletoe could be kiss of death for cancer cells
Mistletoe isn't just good for stealing a cheeky Christmas kiss, the festive foliage could also help beat colon cancer.

Louise Thompson: Checking life's temperature
There is an anecdote about boiling a frog that I kind of like. It’s from the 1800s when experiments of this type were much in vogue.

Fitness Challenge: Surfing
Instructor Andy Collins assures me the spot is not named after shark attacks, rather shark “sightings” - a long while back.

Grapefruit juice linked to medication OD
Drinking grapefruit juice while you’re on medication can cause you to overdose, new research has found.

Hopeful parents need practice
Couples planning to have a baby should practise sex for three to sex months before conception to increase their chances of a successful pregnancy, researchers say.

Study to investigate effect of cigarette prices rises
With the price of cigarettes set to go up again on New Years’ Day, a new survey will look at how smokers are planning to cope with the hikes.

Blog: Are you living your purpose?
I was ill the other week, in bed feeling sorry for myself surrounded by a sea of tissues. It was the day the cleaners come and I just couldn’t drag myself out of bed so they had to clean around me.

Job linked to breast cancer risk - study
Women with farming and industry jobs have an increased chance of developing breast cancer, a new study has shown.

How long do you have to live?
Research on birds shows that new blood test can determine speed of ageing, reports Steve Connor.

Blog: New kettles and niggles
I bought a new kettle this week. A fancy glass one with four pre-set temperatures. I know, I know, we are living life on the edge here at Thompson Towers.

Diabetes expert 'disillusioned' by disinterest
The Government is more interested in Prince Charles' visit than in finding ways to combat the "major epidemic" of diabetes, nutrition and diabetes expert Prof Jim Mann says.

Blog: Lessons from the old school
While in Britain last month I stayed with my good friend Sarah and her husband Nick from university days. It was so good to see them, we talked long into the night reminiscing, and howling with laughter about our long-gone student days.