Latest fromYour Health

Liz Hurley: 'Super skinny' is no longer the goal
The 47-year-old actress and swimwear designer has relaxed her diet and fitness routine because she believes having more curves helps her look younger.

Video tour: Massive waterslide
The first images of the world's biggest waterslide being built near Auckland have been released.

Dare to detox
A routine of yoga, siestas, massages and seriously healthy eating leaves our editor and her partner blissfully re-energised.

First time parents get mental health boost - study
First-time parents enjoy improved mental health and reduced psychological stress after their baby is born, according to new research.

Blog: Honour your own health and energy levels
Hands up who has a new year’s resolution to exercise more, weigh less and reduce stress?

Eating fruit and veg will make you happier
Just three servings of fruit and vegetables a day can transform your outlook on life, a new study suggests.

Just six weeks to a new you
It takes just six weeks for the long-term benefits of a diet overhaul to be seen, a University of Auckland study has found.

'We're looking at an AIDS cure'
Australian researchers claim they're close to finding a cure for AIDS by making the virus turn against itself.

NZ gets world's biggest waterslide
Construction has begun on the world's biggest waterslide - a 650m drop down a hillside west of Auckland.

Shelley Bridgeman: Non-vaccinators believe they're intellectually superior
'I hadn't realised that not vaccinating your children was considered a badge of honour in some circles.'

Study links asthma to fast food
Children who eat fast food three or more times a week have a higher chance of developing asthma, eczema, or hay fever, a New Zealand-led study has found.

Addiction leads to longer life
People who suffer from addiction problems and ADHD are more likely to live to 100 and longer, new research suggests.

Blog: 10 principles of happiness
Can you boil down happiness to a formula? Of course not. Happiness is absolutely individual. As I work with people on their own personal happiness strategies, however, there are super clear themes that come through.

Soft drinks depression link
A study has linked soft drinks to depression - with diet versions particularly problematic. Coffee, however, appeared to have the opposite effect.

Blog: The 2012 reflection question
Goals schmoals. If I see another " New year, new yoooooooooooooou!!!" article I shall surely scream, strangled by the cliche. And yet, therein lies the rub. Cliches become cliches for a reason, do they not? No smoke without fire and all that jazz.

Fitness Challenge: TopRide (called Spin elsewhere)
Each week intrepid reporter Rachel Grunwell will try out a new form of exercise to bring you the lowdown

The score on dieting
Many festive folks will have one eye on the difference Christmas indulgence makes to their waistlines.

Squeezing the cancer out of breasts
Squeezing malignant breast cancer cells stops them from spreading, returning them to a healthy state, new research reveals.

Health alert for celebrity food
Recipes by TV chefs including Jamie Oliver and Nigella Lawson are "less healthy" than ready meals, researchers said.

Blog: How not to get your knickers in a knot this Xmas
It seems every magazine I look at this month is full of helpful "How to plan a stress-free Christmas in 27 easy steps!" articles.

Broccoli compound can kill cancer
A compound found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli could prevent a cancer than affects children, researchers have found.