Latest fromYour Health

Too much optimism is risky
Overly optimistic expectations for the future can be hazardous to older people's health, a long-term study suggests.

Taking aspirin could lower skin cancer risk
Women who take aspirin are less likely to develop skin cancer, new research suggests.

Sperm at its best in winter
Sperm production is at its peak during winter and early spring for most men, a new study has found.

Blog: Live in the moment
Learning to live more of our life in the moment is a life-changing secret of happiness.

Kelly Osbourne may have epilepsy
The 'Fashion Police' host has been warned by doctors that the dramatic health scare could be much more serious than they initially suspected.

Sweat with the celebs
What is it? A high-intensity 30-minute workout that builds strength and lean muscle by using weights and your body weight.

Kelly Osbourne has seizure
Kelly Osbourne has been rushed to hospital after suffering a seizure.

Eating processed meats could cut your life short
A study of half a million people suggests a daily diet including equivalent to two sausages and a slice of bacon is linked to increased risk of dying young.

NZ tech leads in treatment of asthma
A groundbreaking NZ asthma study has found combination inhalers are more effective at preventing asthma attacks than the two inhalers doctors usually prescribe.

Jim Carrey embraces life-changing health kick
Actor Jim Carrey has given up alcohol and cigarettes, and embraced a strict new diet as part of a life-changing health kick.

Sugar secrets of low-fat foods
Slimmers turning to low-fat foods could be piling on the pounds.

Repetitive reading helps kids
Parents are wasting money spending a fortune on books when a small selection of favourites can achieve far better results.

Is the Queen working too hard?
She is more robust than most 86-year-olds could ever hope to be, but questions will inevitably be raised as to whether the Queen is being asked to do too much.

Pregnancy makes feet bigger, for good - research
Women’s feet can increase in size when they're pregnant, and the change can be permanent, a study has shown.

Baby cured in HIV breakthrough
Scientists appear a step closer to conquering the Aids virus after doctors in the United States confirmed they had cured an infant born with HIV for the first time.

Will sex cure a headache?
If you're suffering from a headache, retiring to the bedroom may be the best solution.

Fitness Challenge: Inner warrior lets rip
Each week Rachel Grunwell will try out a new form of exercise to bring you the lowdown.

Housework fail fattens women
Researchers have a controversial explanation for rising obesity levels in women - they are not doing enough housework.

Nicky Park: Does your body get cracking?
Do your joints crack? Does the sound satisfy you? Knuckle cruncher Nicky Park finds out why it's happening and if it's causing any harm.

Germs: Fight them or embrace them?
Germs are everywhere. Some people find this off-putting, others think germs are good for us and that anyone squeamish about them should just harden up.

Blog: Old talk, fat talk
Today in sad news, research says women's body image doesn't actually get better with age and wisdom after all.

C-section birth raises allergy risks
Being born by caesarean section greatly increases a baby’s chances of developing allergies, a new study has found.

Office workers' increased risk of disease
Office workers who spend most of the day seated are more likely to suffer from chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes and heart disease, research suggests.

Teachers' voices suffering
Thousands of Kiwi teachers are at risk of developing serious voice problems because of high noise levels and poor acoustics in classrooms.

Fitness fiction and tips to get in shape
Here's a few facts that could help prevent fitness failure and some tips to help you get moving in the right direction.

Olivia Newton-John reveals depression battle
Australian actress/singer Olivia Newton-John has spoken out about her battle with depression, revealing she turned to therapy and medication to help face her problems

Use of steroids in gyms rockets
An increasing obsession with appearance and body shape has led to a spike in the use of steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs in gymnasiums.