Rosemary will improve your memory - research
Rosemary can help improve your memory, researchers have confirmed for the first time.
Rosemary can help improve your memory, researchers have confirmed for the first time.
Exercise helps you sleep better at night, and too much time sitting down will keep you awake, a new survey says.
How do you recognise the way beliefs drive your life?
Each week Rachel Grunwell will try out a new form of exercise to bring you the lowdown.
Diana Clement hears the inspirational stories of fellow female novice triathletes.
Gwyneth Paltrow credits close friend and trainer Tracy Anderson with transforming her body and says she is happier than ever with how she looks.
It can be rejuvenating to pick up an interest you thought you’d left forever in childhood, writes Sharon Stephenson.
A big wave surfing legend helps Danielle Wright and family take on the small waves at Omaha Beach.
Bald men may be at higher risk of coronary heart disease but only if the hair is lost at the crown, a study says.
Getting irritated about the small things in life is just as bad for your health as eating a poor diet or failing to exercise, a new study suggests.
This new series expands on the foundation of the 10 happiness principles we covered in the happiness audit. It’s called habits of happiness and it’s a natural next step from the principles we have already discussed.
Can't quit smoking? The answer may lie in your genes, according to a new study from Dunedin.
Each week Rachel Grunwell will try out a new form of exercise to bring you the lowdown.
The founder of web phenomenon PostSecret talks to Alan Perrott about being the person with whom the whole world shares their innermost secrets.
There’s no reliable test for it, yet the number of people with gluten intolerance is apparently on the rise in New Zealand. Greg Dixon tries to get to the bottom of the disorder.
Remarkably, two in five girls born today will live for a century, and boys are close behind. But is longevity all it’s cracked up to be?
Just in time for Easter, it's the news chocolate lovers have dreamt of – official confirmation that their favourite guilty pleasure can be good for you.
Here is your recap of what we have learned in our 12- part happiness audit so you can check in and see where you are.
Each week Rachel Grunwell will try out a new form of exercise to bring you the lowdown.
Women who use shower gels and soaps in intimate areas are putting themselves at higher risk of developing STIs, experts have warned.
Children who drink full cream milk instead of trim have a better chance of beating obesity, a new study shows.
Oh, how to cover THIS in a few hundred words?! Practising emotional honesty is a real biggie, and one of the most common barriers to happiness there is.
Organic jelly beans. Organic potato chips. Organic vodka. "Organic" is a term perceived as healthier than conventional products, no matter what they are
Sleepless nights with crying babies can ruin your marriage and your health, a study says.
Each week Rachel Grunwell will try out a new form of exercise to bring you the lowdown.
It’s been more than seven months since Greg Dixon walked away from his favourite habit: smoking lovely, lovely cigarettes. Does he feel better? Maybe. Has he become a rabid anti-smoking fascist? Definitely not
The glass half full has been sent flying - research shows you'll live longer if you think of it as half empty
Obesity experts in New Zealand are dismayed at the legal clamp slapped on New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's law to ban super-sized sugary soft drinks in restaurants.