Don Kavanagh: Got that sinking feeling?
Next time, show restraint. It's the best hangover 'cure', reckons Don Kavanagh.
Next time, show restraint. It's the best hangover 'cure', reckons Don Kavanagh.
When homeopathy is taught at tertiary institutions it lends the controversial practice an elevated level of credibility, writes Shelley Bridgeman.
Next time you fly, here's the perfect excuse to switch off your laptop, put down the crossword and settle in with a drink and an in-flight movie.
Drinking one can of fizzy drink a day can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by a fifth, researchers have found.
Are you scared of death? Is this a reasonable response or an irrational emotion? How have you overcome such a fear in the past?
Being overweight and drinking alcohol dramatically increases the risk of developing fatty liver disease, according to a study presented at the International Liver Congress.
Figure out what you are not letting go of. An old rejection that niggles away at the back of your mind. Make a note and then know that maybe you will never know why, and that's okay.
24 hours of bliss in a Whitford retreat gives Bronwyn Sell an idea of how relaxing a spa visit can be.
Workplace kitchens are dangerously dirty, to the point that they could cause illness, new research suggests.
Excessive worrying is increasingly treated with drugs. But is it just part of being human?
They may have text, email, Facebook and Twitter, but young people are still lonelier than any other age group.
Depression and the emotions associated with it can be contagious, according to a new study.
There is a new game sweeping the nation. Have you heard of it? Almost everyone is playing. It can be addictive and fun to start with, but over the long term players report rampant dissatisfaction, absence of joy and a low gratitude count.
A woman whose skin is tearing away from her body is likely to get a transplant overseas after Kiwi specialists declined to carry out the procedure.
Eight-year-old Jaden Movold has always helped others, despite suffering the most severe form of spina bifida. But family friend Alex Couling thinks it's Jaden's turn to receive.
Rheumatic fever rates in one of New Zealand's most vulnerable communities is worsening, a new report reveals.
Australian actress Isla Fisher refuses to keep a set of scales in her home because she doesn't want her young daughters to catch her weighing herself.
Emu oil has been found to help treat a variety of common bowel diseases as well as the intestinal damage caused by cancer chemotherapy.
Do any of these sound familiar? I have to stay in this job or we won't be able to make the mortgage, I have no choice. I have no choice but to go to see Mum again this evening.
The average blood pressure of New Zealanders in middle life appears to have increased, an "alarming" finding that could contribute to a predicted rise in the heart attack death rate.
Each week Rachel Grunwell tries a new sport to bring you the lowdown.
Scientists are starting to unravel the mystery of moreishness - why some snacks seem impossible to eat in small amounts.
Feeding fish to kids before they reach the age of 12 could help prevent allergies, scientists say.
In a unique natural experiment, researchers have observed how a nation that lost an average of 5kg per head over five years contributed to a halving of the death rate.
It's not the tissue-gropers that are most likely to give the flu to you. All a sickly person really has to do is breathe around you, a new study suggests.
Life & Style Editor Nicky Park speaks to an international berry expert about why these fruits are so good for you.
Genes play major role in deciding whether we're a couch potato or active bunny, a new study shows.
New Zealand will send medical staff to the Solomon Islands following an outbreak of dengue fever.