Snoring sounds warning bells: expert
The impacts of snoring can be far more serious than just sleepless nights, a leading Australian doctor is warning Rotorua parents.
The impacts of snoring can be far more serious than just sleepless nights, a leading Australian doctor is warning Rotorua parents.
The rate of people living with dementia is set to triple by the year 2050, Alzheimer's New Zealand says.
The less teenage boys sleep, the more body fat they have - but the same isn't true for teenage girls, an Otago University study has found.
Music makes jogging easier. Lots of runners say so, but now a German researcher at Dortmund's Technical University has proved it and comes up with the reason.
Asthma sufferers who also live with anxiety or depression are more prone to asthma attacks, a visiting expert says.
Helping others and building social relationships certainly make for a more satisfying life.
If you're about to drink your morning cup of joe, you might not find this new study on heavy coffee drinking particularly fun reading.
Researchers may have discovered why people who lose large amounts of weight often put it back on.
Childhood death rates have halved since 1990 but an estimated 6.6 million children under the age of five died last year, the U.N. children's agency said.
Here are six things you need to know about supplements before you start popping pills and making protein shakes.
Once you have identified which fear is driving your procrastination, pick a strategy.
Being a supportive wife is not all about doing the housework and cooking. It's also about dealing with your husband's stress.
Being seriously overweight can nearly double a person’s chances of suffering migraines, a study has found.
Drinking sugary drinks raises the risk of developing gout, a new local study shows.
New Zealanders are among the happiest people in the world, ranking 13th out of the 156 nations examined in the latest United Nations World Happiness Report.
New research hints at the cause of this unusual phobia that makes people panic at the sight of a cluster of holes.
Gyms where poorly qualified personal trainers push people too hard are 'accidents waiting to happen.
E-cigarettes are more effective than nicotine patches at helping people to cut down on smoking, a study has found.
Limiting beliefs busted? Check. Goals defined? Check. Action steps diarised? Check. This ideal life thing is easy, right?
It used to be that sugar was the sweetest, most useful thing in our larder, a crystalline ambrosia that could make almost any food taste better and last longer.
Weight gain could be dictated by the type of bacteria in a person's gut, according to a Washington University study.
People who know about these sorts of things tell me there is a new, awesome, fashionable weight-loss regime out there called the Paleo Diet.
Life & Style Editor Nicky Park spoke to postnatal depression expert Dr Sara this week and now she's online to answer all your questions.
Children born to women who drink milk during pregnancy are more likely to be tall when they are teenagers, new research shows.