Carrots make sperm better swimmers - study
Yellow and orange-coloured fruit and vegetables improve men’s fertility, but the carrot produced the best all-round results, a new study reveals.
Yellow and orange-coloured fruit and vegetables improve men’s fertility, but the carrot produced the best all-round results, a new study reveals.
The public's fear of fat is slowly melting away. Consider the following fat facts to figure out how best to eat.
Parents who swaddle their baby should ensure the hips and legs have free movement, according to an expert worried about the increased popularity of the traditional full-body wrap.
"I'm fat". How many times have you heard that, either from your own lips or from a friend? Statement of fact. "I'm fat".
A new ACC-backed app is designed to help young New Zealanders cut down on their drinking.
Toi Te Ora - Public health Service have issued a warning about a disease contracted by potting mix.
Dining with a youngish health freak recently, I was asked the inevitable question: "What's your secret for good health and mental fitness?"
While death from caffeine overdose is fortunately very rare, this tragic case shows that there’s more we can do to make it rarer still.
You need to be crude and rude to teach schoolboys about caring sexual behaviour, says an expert who has enlisted the help of vulgar comedians.
A good night's sleep may be the key to preventing brain diseases such as Alzheimer's, a study has found.
Women who snore loudly in late pregnancy have an increased risk of depression and needing a caesarean, New Zealand research has revealed.
The stage of a woman's menstrual cycle may have a major impact on how well she responds to treatment for anxiety, says an Australian psychologist.
Baldness could soon be nothing more than a bad memory, thanks to a breakthrough by British scientists.
Google is most definitely not your friend where your health is concerned. Search your symptoms on the internet at your peril.
If you're cutting out cow's milk, then I encourage you to replace it with an alternative.
Unpacking body image is huge. I have to confess I'd like to call time on the whole self-hating thing that the last few generations of women have got themselves trapped in.
"You can think of it like having a house party. You can either entertain the guests or clean up the house, but you can't really do both at the same time." - expert.
Women diagnosed with invasive breast cancer are less likely to die of the disease if they regularly consume a vitamin and mineral tablet.
More than a million New Zealand adults are now obese, according to the 2013 Ministry of Health annual report.
As the weather warms up a whole new range of fruit and vegetables start to come in to season.
Australia's obesity crisis is far worse than experts thought, with new evidence showing 40 per cent of adults are dangerously fat.
The 10 golden rules to help avoid dementia have been unveiled by British scientists.
The 10 golden rules to help avoid dementia have been unveiled by British scientists.
Unlike many drugs, caffeine may be taken legally by people of all ages, which helps make it the world's most widely used stimulant.
Pregnant women who are exposed to even low levels of air pollution are at an increased risk of giving birth to low birth weight babies, according to a large-scale study.
From rubbing watercress on the gums to stuffing bread into the ear, there is a cure for virtually any ailment.
We ask older people around the world two questions: As you grow older, what are you most afraid of? And what is the biggest problem facing the elderly in your country?
Sports fans who fill up on beer and pies at half time need to exercise for hours to burn off the calories, a health charity has warned.