Kiwi aims to bust mastectomy mystery
An Auckland woman has published photos of her reconstructed breasts online to take away some of the fear and mystery around a mastectomy.
An Auckland woman has published photos of her reconstructed breasts online to take away some of the fear and mystery around a mastectomy.
How do you define happiness? Do you think high expectations can compromise it? Are our children destined to be less happy than we are?
Why do we choose to mess around when we need to knuckle down and do what we know to be important?
A meat-based diet containing too much acid increases diabetes risk, research has shown.
The National Heart Foundation has come up with a new healthy eating guide, possibly spelling the end of the traditional healthy food pyramid. Health expert Dave Shaw deconstructs the new advice.
Lululemon has apologised for comments which implied that some women's bodies just aren't suitable for their yoga pants.
Expect to hear that baleful high hum above your bed more often this summer - a mild winter has meant mosquitoes are likely to be out in force.
Think about a healthy habit that you find easy to maintain. Hands up who brushed their teeth this morning?
A candid parent test highlighting the high and lows of motherhood is taking the internet by storm after being reposted on countless mothering blogs.
Rickets, the childhood disease that caused an epidemic of bowed legs and curved spines during the Victorian era, is making a shocking comeback in 21st-century Britain.
A leading allergy doctor has debunked a host of myths, saying that gluten allergy doesn’t exist – and nor do hypoallergenic pets.
New Zealand children will wear cameras in a world-first study to monitor the daily advertising bombardment of junk food and other unhealthy products.
The mystery of why wounds heal more quickly in the young compared to the elderly may soon be solved following the discovery of two of the genes involved in tissue regeneration.
A lack of protein in the modern diet is a cause of overeating and is a big factor in causing obesity, an Australian university study has found.
New Zealand sport is saturated with junk food, undermining the sector's ability to promote healthy eating, researchers say.
Eating at sporting games isn't the same as eating for sport - even though putting in a full day’s shift as a spectator can be rather exhausting.
There’s no doubt that some of the chemicals in tattoo ink have been associated with cancer – but it’s a bit more complicated.
Teens seeking weight-loss surgery in the US have a startling number of health problems that used to be seen only in adults, according to a major government-funded study.
We are born with a preference for sweet foods, a natural sweet tooth. To our early ancestors foods that were sweet indicated that they were a good source of energy.
A simple blood test could identify those patients whose melanoma has started to spread to other parts of the body, according to new research.
I was very excited to hear about the latest project from the healthy nuts at Little Bird Organics - the one-day Spring Clean cleanse.
In the right kind of home some older people would benefit from living as flatmates, Paul Charman reckons.
An IVF technique of injecting sperm directly into unfertilised eggs is being used too widely by some fertility clinics - with worrying affects on the offspring.
Weather provides a vivid language for describing our emotional atmosphere, but does it also influence it?
Weet-Bix and a sustainable dried banana product have come out on top in an inaugural kids food survey.