Latest fromYour Health

DHB lags on infection-prevention measure
An Auckland health board has come last-equal in a national ranking on one measure to help prevent surgical infections in patients undergoing hip or knee replacement surgery.

Vegetarians less healthy, happy - study
Controversial study suggests non-meat eaters are more at risk of physical and mental illness, despite leading healthier lifestyles.

Probiotics can't cure colic - research
Researchers tested the increasingly popular theory that probiotics effectively soothe babies with the poorly understood condition.

Explainer: What is Ebola virus?
An outbreak of the Ebola virus, which started in a rural region of Guinea in West Africa, has now spread to the nation's capital Conakry. It now reportedly involves 122 people, of which 78 have died.

New cream could wipe out fat
It sounds like a harebrained scheme, but scientists studying baldness have come up with an idea for a cream that dissolves fat.

Fitness: A pure pain party
When asked to a training session to help readers prepare for New Zealand's first Tough Mudder, I considered hiding under my desk.

Dave Shaw: Avoid winter weight gain
Winter does hold some challenges to maintaining a healthy weight. Here are some of the most common and how to overcome them.

Are doctors misusing antibiotic prescriptions?
Hospital doctors are causing potential harm by misusing antibiotic prescriptions, a new study shows.

Obesity a growing problem for Australia
Australians are gaining weight so fast that medical experts are calling for obesity to be classified as a disease and new national programmes launched to combat it.

Inactive mum? Inactive kids
Inactive mothers may be preventing their children getting enough exercise by setting a bad example, a study suggests.

Too much stress can lead to infertility - study
Too much stress can lead to infertility in women, a study has shown for the first time.

Fitness challenge: Let the battle begin
Each week Rachel Grunwell tries out a different exercise to bring you the lowdown.

Dave Shaw: The war on salt
Our desire for salty food is at odds with our health, writes Dave Shaw. It’s the spinoff from a dietary preference in the stone age era, clashing with the modern day food industry.

Louise Thompson: Getting comfortable with uncomfortable
One of the things I often say in class when I see struggle on my student's faces as they work into a challenging asana is to try to relax and be comfortable with the temporary discomfort.

Pill that resets the body's clock could cure jet lag
A pill could "reset" the body clock, curing jet lag and easing the strain of working nights, scientists have discovered.

Dave Shaw: The truth about superfoods
There is no such thing as "superfoods", only "super-diets", writes Dave Shaw.

Blog: Are you inspired tired or wired tired?
This week's column is inspired by two clients who are both recovering nicely from their adrenal fatigue as we work together.

Asian enthusiasm for natural health boosts NZ industry
Asian consumers increasingly viewing health supplements as "an investment rather than an expense" are driving growth in New Zealand's natural products industry.

Fitness challenge: Mind and body rally
Each week Rachel Grunwell tries out a different exercise to bring you the lowdown.

How much sleep do kids need?
Children and parents need a wake-up call about the importance of sleep, say medical experts who are visiting schools in Australia and New Zealand with their message.

Sniff test? Smells of diseases
From diabetes smelling like nail polish remover to liver failure smelling of raw fish, doctors say diseases could eventually be diagnosed just using smell.

The dirt on clean eating
Clean eating can become an obsession. It can distort healthy eating perceptions, lead to strange eating patterns and/or social segregation.

Why diets fail - expert
People failing to lose weight frequently blame themselves, but an expert says this attitude displays ignorance of human physiology and how it impacts weight loss.

The effect of P on baby's motor skills
Children whose mothers used P while pregnant find it harder to learn to walk, draw and grasp objects, according to new findings.

5 quirky ways to keep kids fit
Fitness writer Rachel Grunwell explores five quirky ways to get kids moving.

Louise Thompson: Error message or good advice?
Yesterday an update on my beloved MacAir went wonky and my laptop asked "would you like to continue in safe mode?" I'm like ... yes siree! I would love to move forward feeling safe, thank you very much.

Need a fix of sugar? Sweet, I know a good dealer
The World Health Organisation has said sugar is the "new tobacco", making us fat and useless, so now the experts are wondering how this could possibly have happened.