'Designer vagina' concerns
Almost one in five women are interested in having "designer vagina" surgery, according to new Australian research.
Almost one in five women are interested in having "designer vagina" surgery, according to new Australian research.
Turmeric has long been used in cooking as well as herbal medicine, known for its bright orange color and potent anti-inflammatory effects.
Nutritionists are criticising a star-rating system set to be introduced to New Zealand in a bid to help shoppers make healthy food choices.
When her daughter was diagnosed with a life-threatening peanut allergy, Kiwi mum Lydia Monin turned her home into a nut-free zone. But life outside is a never-ending risk assessment, she says.
A simple blood test which predicts a woman's likelihood of suffering breast cancer is being developed by scientists.
Watching three or more hours of television a day can double your risk of dying young, say researchers.
Chlamydia rates in Kiwis are on the decline, but New Zealand still has a much higher rate of infection than Australia.
Here are a few examples of how to make small and positive changes to your current workplace habits. See which ones apply to you and tackle each one week by week.
Overly protective mothers could be contributing to their children being overweight or obese, a new study shows.
Losing weight is very hard, so it's not surprising many people succumb to the allure of miracle weight-loss pills and potions available online.
New Zealanders trying to sidestep doctors' fees while holidaying in Australia could soon be turned away from Sydney hospitals.
The Tattersfields spent less on one meal for their whole family than the price of one McDonald's Happy Meal by following a plan that promises to feed four people for five days for less than $50.
Let's consider the actions of two common dietary fats, omgea 3 and omgea 6 fats.
When you look at the list of benefits attributed to regular movement it would be amazing to find anything that even came close.
Stroke victims could make a quicker journey on the road to recovery if they take up a musical instrument, researchers claim.
Our liver works constantly to help us detoxify our blood, a concept that has much confusion surrounding it.
New evidence has found a health condition that causes the heart to accelerate rapidly upon standing up is affecting educated, young women more than anyone else.
An ageing population has contributed to the rise in the number of disabled people in New Zealand, which last year rose to over one million - almost a quarter of the population.
Kale or "the queen of greens" as it's often referred to, packs a mighty nutritional punch.
Fiona Taylor has endured surgeries, terrible pain and other symptoms from cancer, yet manages to find something good in it all.
Children born by caesarean section appear to be at greater risk of obesity, new research shows.