Latest fromYour Health

Scientists sacked amid fears over flu virus lab research
Senior American scientists have been abruptly dismissed from a US Government advisory board on dangerous biological agents.

The role of therapy in rehabilitating sex offenders
As a clinical and forensic psychologist, I assess and treat sex offenders, ultimately to minimise the risk of reoffending and help keep the community safe.

Wine could spark irregular heart beat - research
Drinking a moderate amount of wine or spirits may increase the risk of developing a condition that causes an irregular heart rate, research suggests.

Can stress make you fatter?
Bad news ladies. Eating a fatty meal after a stressful day can slow a woman's metabolism and make her gain weight - up to 5kg in a year.

Can cannabis stunt cancer growth?
Scientists now believe the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis could be used to reduce tumour growth in cancer patients. But, they say, don't self medicate.

Why docs make gross food associations
Snatched meals between operations may explain doctors' stomach-churning habit of comparing tumours, infections and skin outbreaks to food - expert.

Chat replay: Personal trainer
This is the perfect opportunity to raise all your health questions, when fitness blogger, personal trainer and model Sam Bluemel chats online with us at noon.

Have you got the body of someone 10 years younger?
Life expectancy calculator reveals how a health-conscious 75-year-old may well outlive a smoker of 65.

Cervical cancer jab cleared of blood clot risk
A Danish study has found the Gardasil vaccination does not increase the risk of blood clots despite initial concerns of a link between the two.

Cancer risk for middle-aged cycling men
Middle aged men who spend nine hours a week on their bike are more likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer, new research suggests.

Living with a brain injury
James Piercy calls it the "hidden disability". Every year in his homeland, the United Kingdom, 135,000 people are admitted to hospital as a consequence of it.

Do you have a booze problem?
Study claims that just two simple questions could be all takes for a GP to identify potential or real alcohol abuse.

Cousins lighten up healthily
A month ago, a group of overweight cousins decided they needed to make a change in their lives - and they have.

You can be big and healthy
Some obese people may be able to remain metabolically healthy despite their size because their bodies produce low levels of a certain molecule, according to a study.

New test can predict binge drinking teens
A new scientific test is able to detect which 14-year-olds will become binge drinkers by the time they hit 16.

Young singer's rotten fish stench
A 22-year-old British singer has been forced to change her diet after being diagnosed with a rare but debilitating condition - fish odour syndrome.

Scientist blasted over superflu
Senior scientists have criticised an American university for allowing research on a pandemic strain of flu virus that escapes the human immune system.

Link between kids' asthma and weight
Researchers have found the chances of developing asthma increases as a child's weight goes up.

Scientist creates deadly flu
A controversial scientist has deliberately created a pandemic strain of flu that can evade the human immune system.

Winter Wellness: U is for Ultimate You
Can you remember the last time you did something for yourself that you love to do or that involved deep rest, relaxation or fun?