Why 'sleeping on it' is a real thing
Got a problem? Sleep on it, goes the advice. Now new research has found our minds are more active when we might think while we're asleep.
Got a problem? Sleep on it, goes the advice. Now new research has found our minds are more active when we might think while we're asleep.
Billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates says progress is being made on developing a "next-generation" ultra-thin, skin-like condom that could offer better sexual pleasure, help population control and be financed by first-world investors.
But, from measuring heart rate to checking suspect moles, can an app really help to improve your health? We ask the experts.
Syphilis has reached its highest level ever recorded in Australia, with the increase almost exclusively among gay men.
Want to stack the nutrition odds in your favour? The key is good food so here are five things to never let into your shopping trolley.
More must be done to curb sugar intake to reduce the “costly burden” of tooth decay, experts say.
A University of Queensland study has discovered a positive attitude can improve your immune system and may even help you live longer.
Chaps, don't cave to obesity, diabetes and prostate cancer. Make better decisions, starting now.
Those who are made to feel ashamed about their size are six times as likely to become obese, a study has found.
Pregnant women who drink a lot of milk may be making their babies iron deficient, according to new research.
But a new study has revealed sodium does not cause high blood pressure, and the link between the two is "more complex than once believed".
It's called tokophobia, and for 3 - 8 percent of pregnant women it transforms apprehension about childbirth into full-blown anxiety and panic.
When it comes to the amount of sleep adults require there is not really a "one size fits all". Sleep expert Gemma Paech explains how to figure out how much you need.
The finding comes from a study of 2,441 healthy German babies whose progress was monitored until the age of 10.
Women are more likely to suffer negative effects of smoking cannabis because their oestrogen levels make them more sensitive to its active ingredient, according to new research.
It wasn't that long ago that it was believed that regular periods were essential for women's health and in their absence, a loss of blood through another orifice was a fair substitute.
It may be possible to train the brain to prefer healthy low-calorie foods over unhealthy higher-calorie foods, researchers have claimed.
Research for gynaecological cancer awareness month shows worrying face of women’s knowledge of diseases’ warning signs.
Fitness professional Sam Bluemel investigates the 'magic weightloss' options available reveals the dangers that can be associated with them.
Have a glass of wine with dinner - but afterwards you should swap that coffee for a cup of tea if you want to live longer, health experts have pronounced.
A Mexican woman has become the oldest human to have ever lived after reaching the grand old age of 127 - but she lost her birth certificate four decades ago, it was claimed.
We've all heard the saying, and I bet most of us have said it: "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day".
Mental health concerns are one of the reasons why people use supplements, but are they really useful? We look at the top five that research suggests really work.
Traumatic memories could be switched into pleasant recollections with a flash of light, scientists claim.