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Caught up in the cult of busy?

Caught up in the cult of busy?

We work shorter days than ever, spend less time on household chores and more time on social media —so why are we are all so busy and why do we brag about it? Rebecca Barry Hill looks at the busy-ness trap and how we can escape from it.

A brief history of the sun

A brief history of the sun

Inspired by one of the best New Zealand summers on record, Alan Perrott tells a brief history of the sun, from the time Kiwis were banned from the beach, to women-only mornings at local swimming pools, and the Sunshine League’s ‘rules for sunbathing’.

The digital age disease

The digital age disease

We increasingly fear things we have no reasonable cause to fear. While the number of clinically diagnosable agoraphobics hasn't increased, something that reeks of agoraphobia seems to be presenting itself all around us.