Blood test may predict risk of death after surgery
A simple blood test which can predict if a patient is likely to suffer complications after major surgery could save hundreds of lives.
A simple blood test which can predict if a patient is likely to suffer complications after major surgery could save hundreds of lives.
Four wives tell Victoria Lambert how dementia has strengthened their relationships.
Sugar has been in the spotlight lately. From TV shows to bestselling books, it is a hot topic, the latest dietary demon, writes Niki Bezzant.
Curious how many viruses have invaded your body over the course of your life? Now you can know.
Want to know your risk of dying in the next five years? Take the Ubble age test.
Scientists say there is no evidence to support the trend and it may be harmful.
Speed on your feet predicts chance of dying in next five years better than whether you smoke, scientists behind mortality questionnaire discover.
Acclaimed writer Steve Toltz, who was paralysed for over a year, tells Peter Stanford how his new novel reflects his ordeal.
Five well-known Kiwis share what they are giving up for June and their top tips on how to stick to your goal.
For my 50th birthday a few years ago I gave myself the gift of weight loss. By the time I shared a celebratory glass or five of bubbles with my girlfriends I had dropped two dress sizes.
Hands up if you know someone who's "gone paleo". Yep, thought so. This diet is like a new religion.
Having a healthy baby is a top concern for parents-to-be. One couple went through pregnancy knowing their baby was likely to have a rare genetic condition.
The abundance and diversity of certain bacterial species can impact a child’s behaviour, particularly that of boys, according to a study.
Some like it hot, some like it iced, and some just don't like it at all. Until recently, coffee was on the list of habits to break if you really wanted to be healthy.
New Zealanders are accepting of diversity, sexuality and religion but not of mental illness.
Australians have been given a new guideline on healthy eating for the first time in 15 years, as industry experts call for sugar and junk food to be dumped from all diets.
Film festival organisers sparked controversy this week when it emerged a group of women, some of whom had medical conditions, were reportedly banned from screenings for wearing flat shoes.
A mother diagnosed with breast cancer has posed a picture of the “subtle dimples” that were the only outward sign of her illness online to urge other women to check themselves.
This article is dedicated to kids and their parents who believe that daily intake of sugar is harmless and just a function of childhood.
Children with asthma may not realise they are allergic to peanuts because the symptoms are so similar, a study has suggested.
The country is on the verge of a gluten-free boom, says Coeliac New Zealand.
A quarter of people from anxiety and depression, yet many never ask for help. Bryony Gordon reveals how admitting to her illness was the first step to controlling it.
A cancer diagnosis provides an education like no other. In 2007, at the age of 28, I was diagnosed with bowel cancer, Mary Bradley writes.
Drinking orange juice every day could help improve brain function in elderly people, research has suggested.
What are the psychological and health effects of exposure to traumatic events like the Boston Marathon bombing and Colorado theatre shooting?
Wi-Fi isn't making you sick, in fact brain cancer rates are falling, says Peter Griffin.
A growing body of research evidence shows being married greatly increases patients' chances of being cured of cancer.
As France bans Wi-Fi in nursery and primary schools, a British expert says others should do the same.
Lindsay Nicholson, who was back at her job just days after her husband's death, says Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg has made the right choice.
A glass of red wine and a bite of chocolate could help you stave off a cold this winter, new Kiwi research shows.