Is female viagra a fizzer?
As the drug dubbed 'female Viagra' gets the green light, Rowan Pelling worries we're in danger of swallowing more than just myths about women's libido.
As the drug dubbed 'female Viagra' gets the green light, Rowan Pelling worries we're in danger of swallowing more than just myths about women's libido.
A photographer has documented her stay at a psychiatric hospital in a series of striking black and white pictures.
Scientists are getting closer to understanding why people indulge after dark and to determining whether those nighttime calories wreak more havoc than ones consumed earlier in the day.
There's one food that has almost nothing going for it. It occupies precious crop acreage, requires fossil fuels to be shipped, refrigerated, around the world, and adds nothing.
Couples who indulge in extra nights of passion end up feeling more miserable.
Checking emails, googling on the move... smartphones have made us dumb, says Maria Lally, but we can break the spell.
Here's some celebrities who have gone public with their battle in the bid to save others.
"Without it, we wouldn't have been able to come out with the studies as quickly as we did."
She saw the words "no sugar" and logically thought she was buying something that was not sweetened. Now she knows that that is not necessarily the case.
One of the most promising areas of medical research these days is technology designed to try to guess your mental health and predict what you'll do next.
"Women with a family history of breast cancer, should consider reducing their alcohol intake to below recommended limits, or even abstaining altogether."
Ever wondered why parents pile on the pounds? A new book reveals the truth about their bad habits.
Molecular biologist David Sinclair wants to revolutionise the way people age. Sinclair is 46, but he's been obsessed with what he calls "the gravity of life" since he was four-years-old.
A review of almost a decade of studies found that exposure to violent video games was a "risk factor" for increased aggression.
Yoga has become one of the most fashionable practices in the world. Yet a number of myths have grown up around it. Andrea Jain debunks five of the biggest.
They've paid people's tolls, hidden scratchie tickets inside library books and left coins at laundromats and vending machines.
A BBC local radio DJ sparked an outcry after claiming unattractive mothers should be banned from breastfeeding in public.
Our eyes move while we are asleep because we see images just as when we are awake, according to a study.
While cutting out carbs leads to more weight loss, a low-fat diet helps people lose the flab which is most damaging to health, researchers found.
Turning 60 doesn't mean having to join the sensible shoes and slacks brigade. Suzanne McFadden meets three older women who refuse to act their age.
"I'd previously done juicing in the past and I could never make it through a whole day, let alone a whole week. I could soup for five days and when I'm done I want more."
After a cancer diagnosis left her identical twin unable to carry another child, one woman offered up her own body for the job in the ultimate act of sisterly love.
Canavero is adamant that the technology exists, but just how well do his claims stand to scientific scrutiny? Below are just three of the many important issues.
A group of Australian women - including Tony Abbott's sister - have made a real song and dance about the tax on tampons.
It turns out that having a child can have a pretty strong negative impact on a person's happiness, according to a new study published in the journal Demography.
After Fox host Megyn Kelly pressed him about sexist comments during the debate, Donald said she had "blood coming out of her wherever".
Three years after her son had a life-saving kidney transplant, Joanna Ewing, 62, decided to become an altruistic donor herself.
"I do come across children who for one reason or another spend a lot of time with TV and DVDs. They start to assume the character."