Latest fromYour Health

Obesity focus on mums-to-be
Eating poorly during pregnancy could harm the future health of your child.

Stay zen: Top 5 Yoga poses
Yoga teacher Erin O'Hara gives us five of the best yoga poses to help us stay zen.

Phone addictions create teen hunchbacks
Smartphone addiction is threatening to create a generation of teenage hunchbacks, experts have warned.

We're more likely to email co-workers than talk
Almost half of us admit to sending emails rather than talking face-to-face with colleagues - even if we're sitting next to them.

It's hip to care for your bones
Calcium is important for children and adolescents to help build strong bones. As adults, calcium helps us maintain our bone health and slow bone loss, which can start around the age of 40.

How I gave up alcohol and got a life
Since her early teens, Hannah Betts drank - to party, to console herself, to get through the day. Here, one year sober, she recounts her battle with the bottle.

Stars chart way to healthy brekkie
Three major companies work on reducing salt and sugar and increasing fibre to gain better ratings.

Jamie Morton: Weight-loss app helps keep dieters on track
My Diet Coach is handy if you're keen to track your progress, count calories and keep motivated, you only have to reach for your smartphone, writes Jamie Morton.

Stoptober - Diary of a Quitter: Day 16
When you deprive your body of a substance it's addicted to, some pretty weird sh** starts to happen.

Empty-nesters' junk food diet
Millions of older parents lapse into an unhealthy lifestyle after their children leave home - because they don't have to set an example any more.

Why some men show signs of pregnancy
Couvade is an involuntary manifestation of pregnancy in men with a partner who is expecting a baby - sometimes called "sympathetic pregnancy".

Stoptober - Diary of a Quitter: Day 13
Secondhand smoke. You either love it or hate it. Sometimes it's both.

Niki Bezzant: Downsize your plates and your waist
Portion creep is partly driven by marketing: we perceive a larger serve to be better value.

Stoptober - Diary of a Quitter: Day 11
Somehow I went 12 hours without putting on a patch. And I didn't even notice.

Breaking Bad star: 'Disability is power'
Having a disability is a personal challenge, and to RJ Mitte this means power, not weakness.

Stoptober - Diary of a Quitter: Day 10
I could just have one cigarette. Just one cigarette couldn't hurt, right?

Custom trike helps girl with 'hole in heart' keep up with all the kids
Ellie Jones has spent the past few years trying to keep up with others around her - now she can, with her new trike.

Scientists say 'runner's high' is like a marijuana high
A new study published this week challenges that notion and puts forth a theory that the 'high' feeling joggers experience can be known as a 'self-produced marijuana'.

Stoptober - Diary of a Quitter: Day 9
Here's my thoughts on quitting when you're feeling terrible - it sucks, writes Matthew Backhouse.

We should empathise with quitters
Shelley Bridgeman shares what eventually led her to quit smoking. Nicotine patches, e-cigarettes and going cold-turkey had nothing to do with it.

Stoptober - Diary of a Quitter: Day 8
The act of lighting up - once the signifier of youthful rebellion and effortless chic - has became seriously uncool.

Trials show protein path to weight loss
Quaffing water before eating or chowing high-protein breakfast food are among latest scientific recipes for losing weight.

Diary of a quitter: You're getting me through it
I haven't felt alone for a moment since I quit smoking. And it's in no small part thanks to you.

Stoptober - Diary of a Quitter: Day 6
The only thing preventing me from having a complete, catastrophic meltdown is an overblown sticking plaster.