Latest fromYour Health

Study out to bust Asia's secret fat
Govt funds research into rising health problem as part of $84m push to produce high-value foods for export.

What's making you so tired?
Are you stressed? Taking regular medication? Suffering from food allergies, or staying up too late? It could all be contributing to a cauldron of factors that are making you feel constantly exhausted.

Daylight Saving ending: What to do with your extra hour
At 3am tomorrow, the clocks go back and we get an extra hour to do with what we please.

The hidden signs of a heart attack
Signs of a heart attack vary between men and women, and some seemingly unrelated medical issues could be early symptoms of heart disease.

Vegetarianism can lead to cancer
Scientists have found there can be long-term health risks associated with a vegetarian diet, that could outweigh the benefits.

How regular cannabis users descend into mid-life failure
Young people who smoke cannabis regularly slide further down the social ladder than their parents, a study has revealed.

Tired at work in the afternoon? Turn off your phone at lunchtime
If work is leaving you drained, try turning off your smartphone at lunchtime.

New inhaler design, help suffering Kiwis
The design of the Ellipta inhaler allows asthma or (COPD) patients to take one correct dosage every day, rather than take several every day.

Kerre McIvor: Drug spend a hard pill to swallow
People who have the money, or who have friends who have money, have the opportunity to stay alive longer than people are on the bones of their bum.

Interview with Simone Anderson Pretscherer after impressive weight loss
Simone Anderson Pretscherer, 24, from Auckland, went from 168kgs to 83kgs in just 11 months.

Verity Johnson: Why I hated going to Granny's
As a teen, I couldn't have explained why, because I've only just figured it out, writes Verity Johnson.

Being fit or eating well - which is more important?
Losing extra kilos through good eating is more beneficial than exercise alone.

Study shows we're smarter in summer
It seems our minds are geared to be able to pay more attention when the days are long.

Drinking three cups of tea a day could beat curse of brittle bones
Research shows that tea drinkers have stronger bones, cutting their risk of painful fractures, including broken hips.

Diabetes risk for women who don't sleep well at night
Women who struggle to sleep at night are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes, researchers claimed yesterday.

Why we find unhealthy food so irresistible
Scientists say we are subconsciously drawn to unhealthy food because we see it as dangerous and attractive.

Zika warning to couples trying for a baby
Couples have been advised to stop trying for a baby for up to six months if a partner has returned from one of 23 countries affected by the Zika virus.