How veges can make you happy
Feeling gloomy and need a lift? Forget that expensive bottle of wine - just munch on a cheap cabbage.
Feeling gloomy and need a lift? Forget that expensive bottle of wine - just munch on a cheap cabbage.
Controversial chef Paleo Pete Evans has prompted fury by telling fans not to wear conventional sunscreen because it is riddled with
The error will have reduced the chance of the woman being able to conceive another child naturally.
The discovery will add to calls for the cholesterol-lowering pills to be routinely used in cancer treatment.
Here are some of the wackiest but also very popular fitness trends that have caught on over the years.
Mary Ann Sieghart on prosopagnosia, or the inability to recognise faces.
Chemicals in everyday products are putting children's brains at risk of not developing properly, leading scientists have warned.
A British toddler with cancer has become the youngest patient to have her immature eggs frozen in a pioneering operation.
Of all the technical gizmos that have been created in recent years to help keep us healthy, this one may just take the biscuit.
Are you sitting comfortably? Then we'll begin. But if you're sitting on a nice squishy sofa, this might make for uncomfortable reading.
Even if you're not a hypochondriac by nature, jumping on Google to do some research when you have a mysterious headache or cough has been enough to make you one.
A few words from Warriors doctor and heart attack survivor, John Mayhew.
New report highlights the reality that low body-esteem prevents many women from fully engaging in life
A lack of fibre in our diets may be causing the deadly rise in allergies, say researchers.
Passenger with psoriasis questioned about her skin condition before being allowed on flight.
Health experts have warned New Zealanders battling cancer against relying on expensive, unproven treatments at offshore clinics.
A young woman claims she nearly died after using dodgy fake tan.
Natural remedies are a great way to keep you in the game.
Got that after-dinner food baby? Here's how to keep it at bay.
The finger-prick test, which could be available at GP surgeries or even chemists, looks for molecules in the blood that indicate diabetes is developing.
You could be forgiven for thinking it's a compost bath - but wallowing in steaming sawdust and fermented plant enzymes is the latest therapy to hit NZ.
Low-fat diets and exercise are pointless for those wanting to lose weight and obese people should simply eat less, a leading surgeon has said.
Daughter's death after reportedly kissing her boyfriend, who had just eaten a peanut butter sandwich.
New Zealand Health Survey showing that 31 per cent of our adults are obese and a further 35 per cent overweight.
Driving can give you a spare tyre and leave you more vulnerable to heart attacks and strokes, say researchers.
WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES. These are the horrifying pictures posted by a desperate mother who doesn't want other parents to go through the same trauma she's had to endure.
"It's not lit, it's not in my mouth. If I was smoking it I think it's a completely different story, but an unlit cigarette, I mean people hold them all the time."
Does it make sense to focus on nutrients such as fat or carbohydrates, for example, or should we reframe the question?
Despite massive government, medical and individual efforts to win the war on obesity, 71 per cent of Americans are overweight.