Latest fromYour Health

Music may be best medicine
Laughter may not be the best medicine - it may actually be music.

Treating bronchitis in young children
My 12-month-old has a nasty bout of bronchitis. I'm desperate to give him something to relieve him, but I've heard there are a lot

Young mum dies of breast cancer
Dying from breast cancer in your 30s is uncommon; each year the disease claims about 20 women in this age group.

Natural remedies to help children sleep
I am wondering if I can give my children anything to help with getting them to sleep. They are just not sleeping through the night

Are you suffering drunkorexia?
The drunkorexia behaviours included skipping meals before a drinking event: in effect substituting alcohol for food.

Why sleeping naked is good for you
Skip the flannel pajamas and over-sized t-shirts - experts say sleeping au naturel is better for your health.

Natural remedies to aid breastfeeding
I am wondering what I can do to help with breastfeeding? I am expecting my first baby this month. - New mum As a new mum you face

Watch: 3D technology used to replace part of jaw
Surgeons Dr Andrew Cho and Dr Zac Moaveni use 3D technology to replace part of jaw Jack Goodall's jaw.

Why do we obsess over our height?
We used to have the 29th-tallest men out of 200 countries, now we rank 30th.

Flu cases reach surprising low
Flu consultations are way below average this winter but health experts warn the worst could be yet to come.

Watch: Human and pet chiropractor
Human and pet chiropractor Todd Keenan talks about his practice

Plus-size model slammed for weight loss
Proving that you just can't win, a model has been criticised for being too fat, and losing too much weight.

Revealed: David Bowie's childhood demons
How the singer overcame family abuse has much to teach us, says child psychologist Oliver James.

Susan Wood: Life after the fall
She doesn't remember the night she nearly died, but 18 months after the broadcaster's brain surgery, Kim Knight finds Susan Wood in buoyant form.

What you don't know about menopause
As her daughter approaches the unknown territory of adolescence, Marina Benjamin finds herself facing her own unknown: menopause.

Milestones on the smokefree journey
If our environment is supportive of good health, it's much easier for us to be healthy, and Healthy Families Whanganui Rangitikei

Poi E star reveals depression battle
After his father's death in 2004, Poi E star Maaka Pohatu often felt down, struggled to sleep and overanalysed the smallest of interactions.

How to sooth winter skin
My whole family are keen skiers. We have a season's pass and try to get up the mountain every weekend, and it seems like without fail

Why being lazy at work is a good thing
Is being constantly busy the best way of being efficient? Greg Bruce looks into taking time out.

Is this the cure for asthma?
A cure for asthma is on the horizon after scientists discovered a genetic switch which prevents the condition.

Natural remedies for glandular fever
My daughter was recently diagnosed with glandular fever. She is missing quite a bit of school and the thought of getting behind is

Why your diet isn't working
Have you recently started a new diet, but aren't getting the results you expected?

Brain implant could help stop smoking
Giving up alcohol or smoking could soon be much easier - by using a brain implant which stops cravings.

Did I keep my husband alive for too long?
The debate over the right to die usually focuses on an individual's right to end his life. But there is another issue...

Ab cracks: the new body shaming trend
There was a thigh gap and the bikini bridge. Now, there's a new body-shaming trend to make us feel bad about ourselves.

Signs of dementia picked up in toddlers
Brains start to shrink from a very young age in people who carry the Alzheimer's gene, researchers find.

This isn't the midlife crisis I expected
Now in his fifties, Stephen Armstrong is going through a different middle age to the one he was expecting.

How exercise lowers cancer risk
New evidence shows that exercise itself protects our bodies against cancer in complex ways.