Q&A: How to protect kids from Delta
Worried about kids' health in the Delta outbreak? Dr Jin Russell offers some key info.
Worried about kids' health in the Delta outbreak? Dr Jin Russell offers some key info.
Michigan doctor explains the surprising reason you should never sleep nude. Video / Anthony Youn via YouTube
24 August 2021 There are 41 new Covid-19 cases in the community today, bringing the total since the outbreak began to 148.
Wastewater testing could also be used to rule out infection in the South Island: Expert.
August 23 2021 New Zealand will stay in alert level 4 lockdown until at least midnight on Friday, and Auckland will stay locked down until at least midnight on Tuesday next week. Earlier today it was announced there are now 107 Covid cases in NZ.
There are 21 new cases of Covid-19 in the community today, bringing the total number of people infected in the outbreak to 72. One million New Zealanders are now fully vaccinated.
Director general of health Dr Ashley Bloomfield receiving his first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine on August 22.
August 21 2021 There are 21 new cases of Covid-19 in the community - bringing the total number of people infected in the latest outbreak to 51.
New Zealand's level 4 lockdown has been extended nationwide until 11.59pm on Tuesday after confirmation the Covid-19 outbreak has spread to Wellington.
August 17 2021 The Covid-19 wage subsidy will be available to businesses across the country, not just Auckland and Coromandel.
August 17 2021 Auckland and Coromandel will go into level 4 lockdown for seven days – and the rest of the country for three days – from 11.59pm tonight.
The Government has approved funding for a pay equity claim for nurses, with nurses, DHBS and the Ministry of Health urged to start negotiations straight away.
The risk of a Delta outbreak means a relook at New Zealand's alert level settings, says Covid-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins.
August 4 2021 New Zealand has passed the 2 million Covid vaccine jabs milestone. Of these, 1,251,000 are first doses and almost 770,000 people have had two doses and are fully vaccinated.
There are still 1766 border workers who are completely unvaccinated - and most of them won't have to get a single vaccine jab to continue to work at the front line for more than two and a half months.
The single-dose Janssen Covid vaccine has been approved for those aged 18 and older in New Zealand.
PM Jacinda Ardern says the transtasman bubble pause will be lifted for Western Australia and the Northern Territory from 11.59pm on July 9, but will remain in place for Queensland and New South Wales.
Let us explain what unhealthy sleep patterns include...
Alert level 2 rules will be extended for 48 hours in Wellington, Covid Response Minister Chris Hipkins said.
There are no new cases of Covid-19 in the community today.
There are no new cases of Covid-19 in the community or in MIQ to report.
PM Jacinda Ardern has welcomed Medsafe's "very carefully considered" provisional approval of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine for children aged 12 to 15.
PM Jacinda Ardern reveals how Kiwis will be able to book their Covid vaccinations through a national system ahead of the general public rollout. Video / NZ Herald
Dr Ashley Bloomfield says 891,702 vaccine doses had been administered and yesterday more than 21,000 doses had been administered
There have been more than 750,000 doses of the Covid-19 vaccine administered so far, an increase of 107,000 in the last week.
The data-matching system where the Government checks whether MIQ workers are properly tested failed to detect the case of the Grand Millenium security guard, who should have been tested fortnightly but wasn't tested for five months
More than 235,000 people had received their second dose - meaning they are now fully vaccinated.
There needs to be a radical shift to screening and preventative medicine.
There are no new community cases of Covid-19, three in managed isolation and 27,000 Kiwis have received the vaccine so far.
The vaccine rollout is aiming to reach 2 million Kiwis within four months with people at higher risk if they catch Covid-19 being the next in line behind border and healthcare workers.