Mum sent to jail for refusing to vaccinate son
A US mother says she would rather be behind bars standing up for what she believes in.
A US mother says she would rather be behind bars standing up for what she believes in.
Need better skin and want to improve digestion? Try these herbal medicines.
Images digitally altered to make models look thinner must carry a warning under new laws.
Doing healthy things can feel like a battle between the angel and devil on either shoulder
Hangxiety is feeling overwhelmed and anxious after a day or night of drinking.
Those who can't identify these 4 out of 5 common odours are twice at risk.
If you don't work up a sweat, you haven't been going hard enough, right? Not necessarily.
Georgia Gibbs and her best friend Kate Wasley have been called every size imaginable.
What Josh Thomson, Laurel Devenie and Roger Tuivasa-Sheck really eat.
Take this simple test to see if you are fit enough for your age.
Warning trendy alternatives do not contain enough of a crucial mineral.
According to researchers sleep deprivation may offer a new treatment for depression.
This breakfast super food cuts cholesterol levels, boosts immunity and can fight cancer
Experts claim people who eat a lot of nuts have a lower risks of carrying extra weight.
Struggling to find time to workout? Experts reveal that all you need in 180 seconds.
Once the world's heaviest woman, she died of complications from heart and kidney disease.
A new survey has revealed disturbing sedentary habits of most adults.
From tequila shots to vaping, these supermodels reveal their bonkers beauty secrets.
The Queen's former physician feared Diana was suffering from an obscure mental disorder.
Forget cheat days, research claims you should cheat for two weeks to get slim.
Kidney disease is the latest ailment linked to air pollution, a new study has found.
Cooking parcels in a 'sous-vide' method could raise the risk of food poisoning.
The WWII veteran was told he may never be able to have children.
Fitness instructor proves to followers that lifting weights won't make you 'bulky'.
From the most nutritious type of rice to Japanese miso for better digestion.
Nutritionist Ben Warren claims Kiwi women can simply make PMS "go away".
A new study has revealed that a little housework could reduce mortality by nearly 30%.
What if the answer to at least some cases of ADHD is more obvious?
After 17 years working in health and fitness, here are the best 10 things you can do.