My son, the 'American Taleban', is innocent
John Lindh travelled to Afghanistan to help the ruling Taleban fight against Russian-backed insurgents. Then 9/11 happened. US troops tortured him, tried him as a terrorist and jailed him for 20 years.
John Lindh travelled to Afghanistan to help the ruling Taleban fight against Russian-backed insurgents. Then 9/11 happened. US troops tortured him, tried him as a terrorist and jailed him for 20 years.
Kiwi journalist Glen Johnson, freed from jail in Yemen this week, is heading to Egypt to start chasing his next story.
Culturalism, schmulteralism: Mask wearers want no part of the West except our privileges, according to Paul Holmes.
The 28-year-old flew out of the troubled Middle Eastern country overnight and is believed to have...
If there is a day that a 'war on terror' can end, it might have been yesterday.
Lessons from an extraordinary uprising - for protesters and police alike.
A Kiwi in Egypt says it's becoming clear Hosni Mubarak's resignation was a military coup, and wonders how keen the military will be to create a real democracy.
London insurers have radical plans to reduce seaborne hijackings.
Amnesty International says a US cruise missile armed with cluster ammunition was used in an attack in Yemen which left 52 dead.
Direct flights from Yemen to Britain will be banned as a key part of new anti-terrorist measures following the failed attempt to blow up a transatlantic airliner, Gordon Brown announced yesterday.