Latest fromWorld Health Organisation
Fat is normal in NZ - expert
NZ's high rate of obesity is no surprise, because of its fat-promoting environment and love affair with cars, a nutrition expert says.
Call to ban all adverts of junk food to children
The World Health Organisation has come out in support of a complete ban on advertising junk food to children.
'Depressed and lonely' model found hanged
The apparent suicide of a rising star in international modelling has sent shockwaves through the fashion industry.
On hold: the cellphone tumour rumour
With a pending World Health Organisation report on the effects of mobile phone usage on the brain, the evidence so far is pointing to good news. However, much is still unknown.
The A-Z of conflicting health advice
Yoghurt and holidays might not be as good for your health as you think...
Recession threatens fight against obesity
New Zealanders' consumption of a harmful type of fat has declined sharply in two years, following the voluntary efforts of food manufacturers.
Sunbed risk same as arsenic
Scientists say ultraviolet radiation produced by tanning beds is carcinogenic to humans.