Shelley Bridgeman: Is teamwork overrated?
Groups and teamwork have long been talked up but they may repel anyone with an ounce of creativity, writes Shelley Bridgeman.
Groups and teamwork have long been talked up but they may repel anyone with an ounce of creativity, writes Shelley Bridgeman.
About three in four Kiwi workers are happy in their jobs, with those in Gisborne being the most content, new employment research shows.
Charges have been laid in relation to the death of a Hawkes Bay man at a building site after he was struck by a steel beam earlier this year.
Workers from different generations want largely the same things from their ideal job, a new study has found.
Listed landlord Goodman Property Trust has provided the first glimpse of Fonterra's new headquarters and announced it will own the building in Auckland's Viaduct area.
Ten days before Jason Gibson died, he visited his parents at their Christchurch home.
A manager who texted and called a young female employee asking her to go to his house, even after she rejected his advances, was rightly fired, the ERA has found.
Many workers are struggling to understand health and safety documents used in their workplaces, a new study has found.
Are you a woman? Do you have a boss? If yes, is your boss a man - and if no, would you rather she were?
What did the workplace health and safety taskforce conclude about New Zealand businesses?
Entrepreneurs are driven by the next big idea, the next big trend, and NZ has a number of prominent people leading the way, including Xero's Rod Drury and the Ryan brothers of YikeBike fame.
There must be something about office work that brings out the worst in some people and makes them defraud their bosses.
Major health and safety reforms stemming from the Pike River disaster have been unveiled by Labour Minister Simon Bridges this morning.
New research from Hong Kong shows women are signing up for surgery in a bid to help them find work.
Ad firm CEO Nina DiSesa suggestions women get ahead by flirting, flattering and boosting male egos.
Multi-tasking parents cope better with the demands of modern-day life than their childless counterparts, new research reveals.
More than 50 people have been injured while working on Western Bay of Plenty roads and bridges in the past two years.
Most major KiwiSaver providers say they are ready to start accepting transtasman super transfers but their Aussie counterparts aren't playing ball.
Terry Allen, Allen Strategic, a business advisory service which provides advice on issues of governance, strategy and operational services.
Vicki Taylor, designer of fashion label, taylor, on her experiences with a business coach.
Lorraine Burns, Managing Director, Recruitment by Design, is an experienced business coach.
Jo Clayton facilitates the Icehouse Leadership Development programme and is a business coach there.
Matt Bellingham, director at Bellingham Wallace, chartered accountants, on why he has business coaching and why he likes coaching himself.
Shane Wratt, Manager, Outward Bound for Business.