Swarbrick misses out on Auckland Central
Denise Roche has won the Green Party nomination for Auckland Central over newcomer Chloe Swarbrick.
Denise Roche has won the Green Party nomination for Auckland Central over newcomer Chloe Swarbrick.
Valentine's Day is a chance to celebrate love but amorous punters are warned to err on the side of caution when it comes to the workplace.
Despite having better work ethics, refugee and immigrant millennials (RIM) still struggle to get good jobs in New Zealand, a study has found.
Labour and Act say they will back a Green Party proposal to give domestic violence victims up to 10 days' paid leave.
GemLab founder Paul Nilsson reflects on his business' 30-year history and explains how it has overcome a huge hurdle.
Supporters of a bill seeking to legislate for domestic violence leave are urging for it to be sent to select committee, saying victim's lives depend on it.
This janitor clocked so much overtime that he took home $344,000 in a single year - but was allegedly caught out hiding in a closet for hours.
The fourth industrial revolution is upon us but that doesn't mean jobs are going to dry up, in fact there may be more than ever
COMMENT: Why do some businesses survive or even thrive post-disaster, while others sink faster than the Titanic?
COMMENT: Does flexible seating boost innovation? Well, maybe, writes workplace design expert Donna Wheatley.
A long-running fight between a Victorian truck driver and his former workmates over a disputed $16.6 million group Powerball win has come to an end.
Search goes global for top-flight talent to fill c-suite positions in New Zealand
It sounds like a dream, but it's not that simple.
Bad behaviour outside the workplace can have an impact within it.
These days many recruitment agencies and organisations use some form of Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to handle job postings, applicant
Many researchers have looked into the carbon footprint of our tech habits.
A UK study into workplace dress codes has found that women have been told to wear high heels, dye their hair or wear revealing outfits at the office.
The minimum wage will increase by 50 cents to $15.75 an hour on April 1, Workplace Relations and Safety Minister Michael Woodhouse says.
COMMENT: Corporate executives are preparing in case the president of the United States comes after them on Twitter, Kara Alaimo writes.
COMMENT: You may want to change your spark plugs for the 2017 road trip.
School leavers interested in learning a trade but dissuaded by society's bias toward university are encouraged to genuinely compare the two options.
Imagine only having to come into the office three days a week, with Monday and Friday spent at home...
Dani Wright talks to Dr Christina Stringer about protecting the rights of those who don't feel they can protect themselves in the workplace.
A cleaning company is offering £45 (NZ$77.40) an hour for women who are prepared to work naked.
Former Saatchi & Saatchi chair Kevin Roberts quit after causing furor when he said women lacked 'vertical ambition'.
COMMENT: There's a saying that everyone in New Zealand is connected by two degrees of separation.
There have been hundreds of well-publicised cases of ill-advised email use. If you don't want it repeated, don't put it on email.
Labour leader Andrew Little is proposing a new solution to recover bodies in the Pike River coal mine.