Latest fromWorkplace

Mixed quarter for manufacturing sector
Manufacturing sales volumes rose in the June quarter, but the value of sales fell as a result of lower prices.

PwC sued, London employee felt like 'prostitute'
Accountant sues top city firm PricewaterhouseCoopers for record £40 million claiming her managers ruined her career and made her 'feel like a prostitute'

Air NZ at fault over worker's breakdown, says ERA
Air NZ faces a costly payout for failing to act in the interests of an overworked supervisor who suffered a breakdown.

New law to clarify work breaks
Legislation allowing workers to take meal and breast-feeding breaks may be changed.

Flight attendants accept pay deal
Flight attendants employed by Air New Zealand subsidiary Zeal 320 have agreed to a pay settlement.

Emails spark woman's sacking
How an Auckland accountant has been sacked for sending 'confrontational' emails.

Bosses can't see discontent
Bosses on both sides of the Tasman could be underestimating worker discontent in the recession, new research suggests.

Who's the fraud suspect? Try the boss
Staff were responsible for 30 per cent of fraud cases in the 18 months to June, the "fraud barometer" of financial adviser KPMG reveals.