Latest fromWorkplace

Bus drivers' unions agree with NZ Bus on pay-rise
The unions will recommend that bus drivers and cleaners accept a pay-rise offer when they meet next Wednesday.

Workplaces cautious about new policy on breaks
Most workplaces seem ill-prepared to accommodate the new law change which would allow managers to exercise more control over workers' regular breaks.

Phones: Insurers easy, bosses strict
Cellphone use may not affect drivers' insurance claims in the case of an accident, but employers are taking a hard line.

Govt's bill axes right to smoko
The Govt has introduced a law change that will allow bosses to withhold workers' regular breaks, and instead pay for the time or trade the breaks.

Employees more confident to move jobs
The number of employees planning to change jobs is rising, a sure sign that the economic downturn seems to have passed.

Opening ACC up to competition no good for taxpayers - Labour
New Zealanders will end up paying more for ACC under a privatised scheme, says Labour.

No ma'am's land at the top
Women are finding entry to the boardroom even tougher after the recession, says Gill South.

Discrimination in Oz for Kiwis
Kiwis who have lived in Australia since childhood are lodging - and winning - race discrimination complaints, saying they are facing discrimination in the Australian job market.

Climate scientist oblivious to media policy before sacking
Jim Salinger lost his job for allegedly ignoring a Niwa policy against speaking to the media without approval.