Latest fromWorkplace

Office politics turn nasty
The Kiwi workplace is becoming more toxic, with office back-stabbing and bullying by bosses on the increase.

Air NZ to cut 100 jobs after Hercules refit delay
Air New Zealand engineering subsidiary Safe Air in Blenheim is planning to cut 100 jobs from its workforce.

Baby boomers re-entering business owner ranks?
David Newport, principal of business sales & acquisitions firm Switch Business asks if those baby-boomers really do want to get out entirely?

Facebook at work problems growing, say employers
A new survey of 520 NZ companies finds 67 per cent have no policies to regulate staff use of social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter.

Aussie skills shortage prompts new Kiwi exodus fears
Fears of a resurgent skills exodus across the Tasman are growing after new research found a growing Australian skills shortage.

Computer literacy standard would give NZ boost - report
The Government has been called to take a role in promoting digital literacy after a report found adopting standards would raise productivity.

Romance at the water cooler
Forget bars and clubs. Increasingly, the new meeting ground for singles - and those looking to stray - is the workplace.

Bad year for getting a day off on the company
Enjoy next Monday off, Aucklanders - the Anniversary Day long weekend is the last you'll get until Easter, in early April.

Women - negotiate what you want and get it in 2010
I'm hoping that women negotiate what they want in the workplace and get it this year.

Thousands queue for 150 jobs
Most of the jobs were offering low pay and many had unsociable hours, but the applicants turned up in their thousands.