Latest fromWork Life

Helen Twose: Ebos chief's long road to growth
When Mark Waller took over the top job at listed healthcare supplier Ebos, he never imagined he'd be dropping the reins 27 years later.

Taking on a new workplace culture
Companies wanting to stay competitive in a fast-changing business environment need open and innovative workplaces, says TakeOn chief executive Paul Stewart.

Mike Hosking: Hard workers have nothing to fear
"I don't know a lot about tea breaks, I've never had one," writes Mike Hosking. "If you live for a tea break, you're in the wrong job."

Bringing parents to the workplace
Companies are rolling out the welcome mat for its employees' parents to stoke higher engagement among employees.

Robyn Pearce: Being too busy is a mindset, not a badge of honour
When we tell ourselves that we're too busy, that message becomes part of a loop between our speech and our subconscious.

First, have confidence in yourself
On the very first day of my first job, as a junior legal secretary in the 1980s, I was asked to phone the local council to request rates details for a property settlement. As a shy 17 year old, with no experience of the business world and barely able to s

Louise Thompson: Conscious Christmas energy
The run-in to Christmas creates a perfect storm for Kiwis to become exhausted. Why?

Aligning personal and corporate values
It wasn't easy during the five years of the global financial crisis for New Zealand employees to advance their careers or achieve pay rises.

Do you suffer weekendvy?
One in three people surveyed admitted lying about what they did at the weekend in a bid to impress friends and colleagues.

Fired? What to do now
Navigating job interview questions after being fired from a previous role can be tricky, but here are a few tips to help you get back on track.

Knowing when it's time to quit
You're bored, you're underperforming; your working life feels like treadmill of dull dissatisfaction.

Top tips for working from home
More and more, kiwis are shunning long commutes to the office in preference to working from home. Here are some top tips for working from home:

Easing age tensions among nurses
When four generations work together the differences are often seen as challenges and sources of tension.

Career Coach: Employees need a balance
Individuals can experience a lot of conflict between various parts of their lives - including work and home life.

Henri Eliot: Leadership in today's business - Rob Campbell
Rob Campbell talks to Henri Eliot on his perspectives on leadership following a recent Leadership Day at Turners and Growers.

Matt Heath: Work-life balance means longer lunch
There's a lot of talk these days about the work/life balance and for many, smartphones and cloud technology could mean the end of the all day job, writes Matt Heath.

Executive Success: Xero's Craig Walker
As Xero's CTO, Craig Walker is constantly working in the future, translating boss Rod Drury's vision for the business into hard technical reality.

10 tips for dealing with bullying at work
Workplace bullying affects people physically and mentally and it can disrupt workplaces and reduce productivity. Here are 10 tips to deal with workplace bullying.

World's richest man wants 3-day week
The world's richest man is calling for a radical overhaul of our work-life balance that would see people at their jobs for just three days a week.

The corner office: Graham Darlow
Graham Darlow, Fletcher Construction chief executive, pays tribute to his engineering father Bob Darlow for inspiring him in his career and giving him his most precious possession.