'Switch-off' law could work in NZ: union
Legislation in France around set hours for responding to work emails is something to consider, says the Council of Trade Unions.
Legislation in France around set hours for responding to work emails is something to consider, says the Council of Trade Unions.
COMMENT: While the proposal is good in theory, it's no panacea for the challenges of our modern economy.
We're moving towards a "post-work economy" and it's nowhere near as good as it sounds.
A new study has revealed the motivations behind why Kiwis' leave their day jobs to start their own business.
Many people working in an office would prefer to fix houses or bake cakes for a living. Should they, would you?
Attempts to restrict immigration in the era of Brexit and Trump will not only damage the economy. Here's how.
A wrap of small business owners' top tips and advice for those thinking of starting up a business.
French workers have won the right to ignore all work emails outside of the office.
If you saw her walking down the street, you'd never guess at the heights of Eli Censor's success. Here's how she did it.
The free-market has made the economy more efficient, but the loss of dignity for workers has been catastrophic.
COMMENT: It's the most hyper-busy time of the year and being busy has become a public marker for our worth.
The industry advertising the most positions on Seek this year has been revealed.
Workers would prefer more flexible working hours over additional time off according to a new survey.
When conditions are harsh, staff are likely to find satisfaction through acts of deviant behaviour, research suggests.
Don't underestimate the importance of employees and workplaces having the right "fit"
For all you youth-bashing curmudgeons out there, it's true, the kids really are speaking a different language - and now it's official.
If the decision has been made to leave your employer, timing is everything
Having a strong personal brand is vital to ensure you are viewed as a professional and respected leader in your industry
COMMENT: Boards of small to medium enterprise and non-profits have been missing out on this board software.
Christmas parties are a great time to blow off steam with colleagues, but they often end in disaster for the inebriated.
Alice Farrell has made a business out of selling cardboard desks designed to promote workplace standing - here's how.
A younger boss steering older subordinates may have an effect on company performance, a study suggests.
Whether you are interviewing for the first time or fifth time, here's things to remember.
Men and women lift the lid on the truth behind their secret affairs in their workplaces.
When Megan started working at Macca's at the age of 14, it was supposed to be an after-school job. Now she's turned it into a career.
You may not like to think about it, but redundancy is something that happens with unfortunate regularity
COMMENT: World-class project manager who spent many years with NASA shares his pearls of wisdom.
Intrapreneurship is becoming a buzz word as organisations look to their staff for innovations