Nearly 5000 find jobs via Work and Income in lockdown
While 40,000 Kiwis applied for the benefit during alert levels 3 and 4.
While 40,000 Kiwis applied for the benefit during alert levels 3 and 4.
Work and Income has been acting 'unlawfully' and ignoring its own legislation.
'Jailhouse lawyer' Arthur Taylor says lack of support a national problem.
In April, more than 1000 people a day went on to a main benefit, with the worst to come.
MSD made major, urgent changes to its model for benefit of clients, staff in pandemic.
Demand for food parcels also skyrocketed by more than 200 per cent in just two months.
Private schools say the loss of international students during lockdown has hit them hard.
Work and Income killer Russell Tully is refusing food behind bars.
Tiresa Tufue received a computer but it was addressed to another student and taken away.
Work and Income is fielding an unprecedented number of calls from struggling Kiwis.
Plea to support Northland businesses as foot traffic plummets due to Covid-19.
"The next day I was driving the car and my vision deteriorated..." Waikato father tells.
What the hell is going on in this country?
They say they're flatmates. Work and Income says they're lovers. Now they owe $150k.
Kathryn died in September with a fraud conviction and a $117,000 debt hanging over her.
A school principal says to parents: "You know your child best."
The crimes that shook New Zealand - a decade of high-profile cases revisited
The building had been placed in lockdown just before the man drove the van into it.
Investors are targeting South Auckland with the express purpose of getting Govt money.
"I can't wait to roll up my sleeves and get out there and do things."
Judge says court transcripts clearly show man had been under no pressure to plead guilty.
Grateful family 'overwhelmed and speechless' at generosity.
Camps puts young people from all walks of life in an army-style environment.
"I've given up my entire life and marriage to care for her at home," says angry mum.
"It's too late for Dad, maybe we can stop this happening to someone else," daughter says.
Dead man's family calls for more care for elderly in council flats.
Kiwis with disabilities earned half the average income of other NZers, study finds.
COMMENT: If you have to pay $17.70 an hour now, why hire an inexperienced employee?
More than 500 objections have been submitted over the proposal for Khandallah.