Latest fromWork and Income New Zealand

Christchurch earthquake: Hard times on Struggle Street
Surrounded by her children in the garage of their Hampshire St home in the Christchurch suburb of Aranui, Mafutaga Manuleleua still feels unloved.

Quake-support packages needed for more than 20,000
Applications for financial support following last week's deadly Christchurch quake are flooding in.

Christchurch earthquake: Hundreds flood welfare centres
Hundreds of people displaced by Tuesday's earthquake have set up camp at Christchurch welfare centres and more are flooding in.

Bombshell on way for beneficiaries
About 300,000 welfare beneficiaries who are judged capable of work will face a day of reckoning tomorrow with the release of a report.

GPs develop plan to get invalids off benefit
A consortium of North Shore doctors has a radical proposal to use health professionals to help sickness and invalid beneficiaries back to work.

IRD cracks down on Chinese food outlets
In the run-up to Christmas at least 12 Auckland Chinese restaurants received surprise visits from IRD officers.

Look how we've changed - New Zealand 38 years on
Two studies of human development, one launched in the 1970s and the other from earlier this year, reveal how different society is today.

Pike River: ACC working to ease money fears
The ACC will ensure money is the least of the worries for the families of the Pike River 29, says ACC Minister Nick Smith.

<i>Eric Thompson</i>: Maxed out on two drinks campaign
I won't be signing up to this. Get behind something that will do some good.

Plan to chase leavers as school ends
A new national service looks ready to start next year to make sure every 16 or 17-year-old ends up in work or training after leaving school.