Cable Bay wine in a league of its own
Evaluating your Waiheke neighbour's wine is fraught with problems. Be too critical and you risk being frozen out; too effusive and you're accused of favouritism and sucking up.
Evaluating your Waiheke neighbour's wine is fraught with problems. Be too critical and you risk being frozen out; too effusive and you're accused of favouritism and sucking up.
The cost of Aussie fine wines is spiralling out of control.
If approached with caution, the pairing of chocolate and wine can prove delicious.
Boutique beers on tap and brawny red wines set Don Kavanagh's taste buds a-tingle.
New Zealand is exporting more bulk wine to be bottled overseas, putting the industry's reputation at risk.
New Zealand is yet to finalise the way it classifies its wine regions.
Tech news from around the world: Milk machine; robotic mobilisation device; Bodymetrics Pod; PhotoDNA and talking through stone.
A controversial classification of Bordeaux wines is making a comeback.
What makes certain wines provoke more thought is a matter up for debate.
Riesling ... loved by wine buffs, misunderstood by most and loathed by those still scarred by a previous bad experience.
Martinborough's reputation for wine production grows stronger with newcomers seeing fit to prove that small can not only be beautiful but affordable as well.
Wine lovers have had it good for some years but predicts price pain.
Ask Stephen Bennett any question about wine and expect an answer so long you've time to leave the room, wash the car, mow the lawns - come back and he'll still be answering your question.
You have to admire and respect the entrepreneurial recklessness of those souls who, for whatever reasons, have been seduced into the romantic notion of owning their own vineyard or even chateau.
Scientists have found that wild yeasts vary from region to region, and can have a unique influence if used in the wine-making process.
John Hawkesby presents his top wine picks of the last year.