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Three white wines for the weekend
How to turn your life into a spring-fest into seconds flat? Just twist the cap on any one of these wow-inducing white wines. Easy.

Three pinot noirs you need to try this weekend
They say it's really hard to describe great pinot noir. I've given these three a fairly decent crack though ...

Three weekend wines to love
So you thought Hawke's Bay and Waiheke had this varietal all sewn up? Here's a trio from less well-known zones...

Three wines for the long weekend
Imagine if your taste buds had ears and a rock track for the first time. Such an assault is what a great blended white will provide the tongue ...

Three wines to try this weekend
Get your astro-awareness on by tasting a smorgasbord of styles...

Three wines to try this weekend
October is upon us in all its frisky fabulousness, so let's carpe the diem and drink excellently.

Wine: Pretty in pink
Someone once bade me farewell by saying "kisses on all ya pink parts", which I felt overstepped the mannerly mark. These pink drinks however, are more than decent...

Why you should spend a little more on wine
Forty is the new 20? Hardly. Spend an extra $20 and your taste buds will be born again...

Wine: The whole truth
Pinot noir nirvana will no doubt be achieved by those attending Pinot Palooza today at Shed 10 on Auckland's Queens' Wharf. The rest of us can achieve enlightenment via these three...

Wine: Sing the praises
The Beatles sang All You Need Is Love. I'd argue a glass of wine wouldn't hurt...

Wine: Sip in style
Spread your fashion sense across the wines you serve. Pop the cork. Twist the cap.

Wine: Be a sport
May I present three wines to get you through the last week of the Olympics.

Watch: Top wine judge Jim Harre
Top wine judge Jim Harre says this vintage have been particularly good, especially as the harvest has been large, which normally means a drop in quality.

Wine: With love from Italy
Don't wait for the moon to hit-a your eye with a big-a pizza pie. Stop. Sip. And feel the amore immediately ...

Wine: Taste experiences
Great things come in threes. Except those $8 multipacks of sports socks.

Wine: Rekindle old flames
Mourning a bygone era? Fret not, big fat chardonnays are out there ...

Wine: Warming wines for winter
These three will warm your cockles without overheating your wallet ...

Wine: Three luscious lovelies
Inject some awesome into June's chilly, long-shadowed, late afternoons by sipping one of these luscious lovelies...

Wine: A new level of wow
When it comes to wine, it's eyepopping how a small increase in how much you spend, even just an extra $5 a bottle, will open up a whole new level of quality and all-round wow.

Wine: Swirl to bring out the best
Before you launch into any good wine, make sure you grab a decent glass and not those awful goblets you nicked from Cobb & Co in the 80s.

Wine: Wine picks for a busy day
People think wine writing is glamorous. My diary today has "worm the cat", "get dog's anal glands drained", "buy school shoes for Jake", "sort Southern Cross receipts" and "buy new tweezers" written in it. So, yeah. Jealous?

Wine: Three dancing chardonnays
Looking at these three chardonnays side by side is like looking at the Solid Gold Dancers when they're striking their end pose.