Latest fromWine reviews

Party time with these wines for the weekend
Upstage the other guests and bring these little beauties with you to your next party.

Tasty relief: Three wines for the weekend
In a week of being so busy, it's heartening to know that tasty relief is at hand...

Ben Byrne's bottled magic
Ben Byrne says his fruit had too much personality to lose if they were blended together.

Three wines for the weekend
I have three vices du jour - hence my virtuousness runneth over ...

Three wines for Easter weekend
There might be buckets of 'fake' news out there, but these wine reviews are real.

Wine: Salubrious sipping for under $20
Want salubrious sipping for under $20? Step right over here...

Three warming wines for the weekend
These wines will warm your cockles and shiver your timbers...

Three cheery wines for the weekend
You've made it to mid-March, go you! Celebrate in style this weekend ...

Wine: Drops of culture
Our first two wines celebrate the collision of simplicity of design and a modern culture of extravagance in the art deco years. The third's a little Aussie cracker for those who like a fizzy red.

Three wines to cool you off this weekend
"It's too hot outside and I've run out of rosé!" screamed my friend via text recently. "Don't fret," I replied, "these three bottles will be with you, pronto!"

Three winning wines for the long weekend
Argentina, Italy and our own Central Otago all feature on the winners podium this weekend, let's all run over and take selfies with them...

Three non-supermarket wines to try
Time to step away from your safe old supermarket wines and sip some of these leftfield lovelies ...

Three rieslings with a winning edge
Riesling is like the video for that Katy Perry song Hot N Cold. While one bottle stands demure and sweet at the church, the other's in her wedding dress, smashing your car to pieces.

Three perfect wine matches for Christmas dinner
The perfect wine matches for your Christmas Day dishes. Seriously. They're perfect. Buy them now or forever kick yourself ...

Wines to give your taste buds a kick
Are your taste buds becoming a tad complacent? They need a good kick - and these are the wines for the job ...