The transformation of Japanese wine
The Japanese are trying to get a foothold in the wine industry.
The Japanese are trying to get a foothold in the wine industry.
Another week, another survey conducted by a team of experts from some highly suspect university in some far-flung corner of the globe.
The will of Mother Nature results in either celebration or despair come harvest time.
Word has it that the cellars at Buckingham Palace hold some of the world's greatest wines from sublime vintages.
A Hawkes Bay winery has appeared alongside world-renowned vineyards in Burgundy, Tuscany and California in a major travel guide's top 10 list.
An ambitious new venture aims to lure younger people to appreciating riesling.
With New Zealand's sauvignon blanc no longer enjoying the revered international position it once held, we need to turn our attention to the next big thing.
A Kiwi wine expert is spreading the good word on biodynamic winemaking.
Evaluating your Waiheke neighbour's wine is fraught with problems. Be too critical and you risk being frozen out; too effusive and you're accused of favouritism and sucking up.
The cost of Aussie fine wines is spiralling out of control.
If approached with caution, the pairing of chocolate and wine can prove delicious.
Boutique beers on tap and brawny red wines set Don Kavanagh's taste buds a-tingle.
New Zealand is exporting more bulk wine to be bottled overseas, putting the industry's reputation at risk.
New Zealand is yet to finalise the way it classifies its wine regions.
Tech news from around the world: Milk machine; robotic mobilisation device; Bodymetrics Pod; PhotoDNA and talking through stone.
A controversial classification of Bordeaux wines is making a comeback.
What makes certain wines provoke more thought is a matter up for debate.
Riesling ... loved by wine buffs, misunderstood by most and loathed by those still scarred by a previous bad experience.
Wine cocktails are enjoying an increase in popularity once more.