Latest FromWikiLeaks

Assange locked in war of words

Assange locked in war of words

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has again become a lightning rod for accusation and counter-accusation as Swedish prosecutors dropped three sex assault claims against him but intend to pursue a rape claim.

Worm turns on Big Brother

Worm turns on Big Brother

Snowden is charged with violating the Espionage Act, the draconian l917 law devised to indict foreign spies but repeatedly used by the Obama Administration to target whistleblowers.

Secrets and lies

Secrets and lies

The timing could hardly have been better. Three days before the United States theatrical release of Alex Gibney's new film We Steal Secrets: The Story of Wikileaks, Edward Snowden fled to Hong Kong.

$6m to keep tabs on Assange

$6m to keep tabs on Assange

The cost of policing the Ecuadorean Embassy in Knightsbridge while WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange takes refuge inside has now risen to £3.3 million ($6.2 million), Scotland Yard has disclosed.