Iwi and council partner up to spend ‘better-off’ funding
Whanganui District Council says it 'jumped the gun' by initially not consulting iwi.
Whanganui District Council says it 'jumped the gun' by initially not consulting iwi.
Rob Vinsen says the money would be better spent elsewhere.
"It’s about looking for an equitable way of covering that cost.”
“It’s still early days, but we want to move as fast as we can.”
The Whanganui District Council said the increase in use was due to promotion of the paths.
“We just have to hurry up and wait.”
Six-point plan could see $2m in services cut and $16m assets sold.
Work on the bus stops is expected to be completed by May 2024.
“We’re at the point where we need to make a decision and then get on with it."
The name of Rusthall Estate was chosen by a panel including local iwi and other parties.
Each night, up to 50 trucks will transport approximately 600 tonnes of asphalt.
But the area can be beautified and water quality improved.
“We’re in a real growth phase for football in Whanganui."
“We have a lot of land there that is just grass."
Have you been to the library recently?
"If you go down there on a Saturday, it’s quite busy and it’s quite dangerous.”
Building consent a year ago was for a Taco Bell with drive-through and 51-seat restaurant.
The track needs to be recertified every 12 years to be able to hold international events.
Climate change resilience was an issue high on people's lists of concerns.
Andrew Tripe: Local government needs reform. But we do not have the answers to everything.
'Having a local company partner in construction with Te Puna Hapori is great news.'
“There is a lot of use to be had out of it.”
“This is a passion that we share, and it’s a passion we want to hand on.”
The current Winz grant barely covers a weekday burial in Whanganui.
The loan will go towards replacing the Category 1 building's roof.