Parking revenue over budget by 50%
Forty-nine solar-powered meters replaced 216 coin meters in Whanganui's CBD in 2022.
Forty-nine solar-powered meters replaced 216 coin meters in Whanganui's CBD in 2022.
Sarjeant director Andrew Clifford says the gallery 'is already looking spectacular'.
'The cost of getting a truck out there is ridiculous.'
"The council has had to navigate rising costs."
'We are seeing tonnes and tonnes of recycling not going to landfill.'
The plant's dryer will be shut for a month later this year.
There was 'a lot of shovelling' in the early days for Robbie Atkinson.
'Many people see dyslexia as a disability. You, however, see it as a possibility.'
'It’s not only for us old fellas - it's for the new ones coming on.'
If the cabin was out the back, it would be OK.
Whanganui Regional Heritage Trust and Whanganui’s two Rotary clubs are behind the project.
The council can join forces with other councils for water services or go it alone.
Whanganui District Council says it's a pushback against Government moves.
Discharging a carcass into or near a waterway can lead to fines of up to $750.
Whanganui Alliance crews replaced a broken stormwater main at the site.
One councillor called it 'totally unpalatable'.
The council wants to hear from the public - should it keep the status quo or change?
Kerbside recycling is set to start in Whanganui from next week.
"It was a pleasure to be part of and it’s great to see it continue".
'We did witness a person attempting to drop off a couch.'
Gallery staff 'will take up residence' at the end of June.
'It was a grey, drab-looking place so I thought let’s tart it up.'
'We are putting it in very capable hands.'
Kids under 8 must be actively supervised at all times, whether in water or not.
No funding has been included in the council's 10-year plan.
'Birds have got wings to fly and they are not able to do that in the aviary.'
More than 600 public submissions were made on the council's new parking bylaw.
A Whanganui couple say they won't move the cabin on their property.
The issue will be 'well and thoroughly debated' by councillors.