Latest fromWestport

Westport: Nothing foul at famous cape
Liz Light finds weka, seals and superb scenery at Cape Foulwind.

NZ couple sleep through Yasi
A South Island couple unable to escape Cairns before Cyclone Yasi hit overnight felt so safe in their hotel they slept, then watched the huge storm from their balcony.

Westport: Built on black gold
Liz Light explores Westport; a town that owes its prosperity to the earth's bounty.

Racing: NZRB kicks in to raise money for West Coast
The New Zealand Racing Board will donate to the West Coast community 5c for every off-course tote ticket bought on the seven race meetings being held in the region in the coming weeks.

<i>Garth George:</i> A tragedy that made us think of others
2010 can only described as an annus calamitosus [disastrous year] for the New Zealand family.

Fourth blast at Pike River mine
Another explosion shortly before 2pm today damaged some of the infrastructure at Pike River mine, but a "gagging" operation is still on track to commence tomorrow.

Pike mine: 'We had time to run like hell'
A Westport man has told how he and three others ran for their lives when the Pike River Coal mine exploded at 2.37pm on Wednesday.