Whānau rally for city's first Māori ward councillor struck by rare illness
Locals will climb Mauao to fundraise for Tauranga councillor Mikaere Sydney.
Locals will climb Mauao to fundraise for Tauranga councillor Mikaere Sydney.
Emergency teams unite to collect food for families in need.
Tauranga's new on-demand bus service is hugely popular but fares will rise to cover costs.
At one point, police were confronted by a kuia who criticised them for parking too close.
The council is taking legal advice as it decides next steps for the marine precinct deal.
Three fire trucks have been dispatched to the scene.
The council has also been served with judicial review proceedings.
Western Bay of Plenty District could have fewer councillors to vote for next election.
Crews are monitoring and mopping up hot spots this morning.
Tauranga City Council is investigating its sale of the precinct to a developer.
Residents were forced from their homes due to the fire.
Rich Farrell aims for top 10 finish at the world Strongman Games.
Anyone gathering or eating shellfish from this section of coastline could get sick.
'The business is no longer viable yet I have two years left on my lease'.
Tauranga City Council has paused plans for the $105m Memorial Park aquatic facility
The new CEO says he's 'passionate about the hospice cause'.
Village Radio moves, relocating 20,000 records and vintage broadcasting equipment.
The temporary alcohol-free area was first introduced in December 2018.
Social media comments about Tauranga City Council 'unfairly targeted council staff'.
Firefighters have contained a suspicious Parkvale garage fire, no injuries are reported.
US division intensifies as the 2024 election looms.
Mount industrial businesses have agreed to lower their environmental impact. Is it enough?
A 7m sculpture inspired by nature and Māori imagery will be unveiled in Tauranga's CBD.
Lifeguards patrol beaches, promoting water safety as surf season begins.
'We are so grateful to be part of such a compassionate and supportive community.'
Daniel Thomas wins Baypark Speedway opener; Buckley claims first Midget victory
The sale of Tauranga's marine precinct for $13.9m has angered fishing businesses.
Colossal waterslide one of new features at attraction.