Latest fromWest Auckland

Man appears on assault charge after domestic incident
A man arrested after a west Auckland domestic incident which resulted in six people being taken to hospital has appeared in court.

<i>Success:</i> Timber maker in the right groove
Gearing down for the recession proves a wise decision...

Police wait to quiz knifing victims
Police hope to speak to the five victims of a frenzied knife attack today to learn what triggered the bloody assault.

Get strapped in for the time of your life
A new book by Shane Boocock features the best of adventure tourism in Auckland.

My Auckland:Laingholm
Wildlife, bush and nearby cafes make this a perfect spot for a private couple, writes Diana Clement.

Success: Biting off as much as they can chew
Long-established snack-maker says now is the time to start lifting its profile.

<i>Gill South</i>: Stretching out the tension
Gill South tries out the gentle art of t'ai chi for total body relaxation.

Murder accused thought neighbour employed to spy on him
A man accused of murdering his elderly neighbour was suffering from a major depressive episode with psychotic features at the time of the killing, a court is told.

Accused 'delusional' when he killed neighbour
A man was "delusional" at the time he strangled his 84-year-old neighbour, a court was told today.

Anna Crichton: Drawing on her talents
Print illustrator Anna Crichton has translated her skills into ceramic art for a new exhibition, writes Catherine Smith.

Man on life support after 21st party brawl
A 22-year-old West Auckland man is in a critical condition following a brawl outside a 21st birthday party.

My Auckland: New Lynn
Catherine Smith talks to a couple who went West and are loving the lifestyle.

<i>Siren Cafe</i>, Titirangi
We came here because my friend - a new mum - had the place recommended to her by members of her coffee group as a child-friendly cafe.

Round the mountain
Miniature trains have enjoyed a rise in popularity over the past few years thanks to a certain engine called Thomas.

Piha: At one with nature
The wild west coast is worth a day trip with a couple of stops along the way, writes Libby Nicholson-Moon.

Fake advert aims to deter boy racers
Boy-racers responding to an advertisement for a car heard how the 'owner' crashed and killed a child, as part of an anti-street racing campaign.