Wellington's 'rape alley' to be renamed
'Rape alley' could finally have a name that doesn't reflect its shadowy past.
'Rape alley' could finally have a name that doesn't reflect its shadowy past.
Wellington Free Ambulance staff and volunteers practiced installing a triage tent.
This Piha Beach crustacean shows some creatures can have tide-influenced body clocks.
Houghton Valley School in Wellington has welcomed plans for a $500,000 new classroom.
Traffic from Lower Hutt to Wellington slowed; pedestrian hit in Blenheim critical.
Removing the word "Israel" from a song has left council red-faced.
SH1 is blocked north of Wellington after a serious crash between a car and motorcycle.
Heavy fog in Auckland has caused cancellations and delays for more than 100 flights.
Where were people hit hardest by crime over the last few years - and why? Find out here.
The council believes the ruling could have implications for property development.
The stepfather who beat up 15-year-old's rapist "was provoked", says judge.
A six-month political crisis between NZ and Israel appears to be over.
New Zealand's inner cities are a hot bed for violent crime, police statistics show.
One, short moment can change someone's life forever, says the mother of an assault victim.
A remodelled support system for firefighters follows a rise in calls to medical events.
Second penguin death in as many months shows owners aren't watching dogs, says council.
A witness spotted people fishing in the marine reserve at Island Bay and reported them.
Demolition of Defence House should start soon and be completed in early 2018.
An earthquake-damaged house is threatening to collapse.
A hui raising awareness on P was held in Ngongotaha. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
A hui raising awareness on P was held in Ngongotaha.
Tonight's rugby - and most of the country - should stay dry over the next two days.
Staff at WCC council-controlled organisations will now be covered in the living-wage drive
The illegal tenancy was only discovered following the November 7.8 Kaikoura quake.
Council looks to building owners for housing solution
Rex Tillerson said the US record on climate change is unparalleled. Is he right?
The All Black's baby is due in December.
Poor weather and multiple crashes on motorways are causing headaches for holidaymakers.
The man pushed the woman over and put his hands down her pants, police say.