Man vows to build a wall after crashes
Man vowing to build a wall to protect his house if authorities don't take action soon.
Man vowing to build a wall to protect his house if authorities don't take action soon.
An invitation to "expose" dodgy landlords has led to a flood of official complaints.
10 years on from Human Rights Commission's inquiry into transgender discrimination.
Alem Tesema plans to leave Wellington, with hopes it will help his mental recovery.
Beds hard to find as visitors beat a track to Whanganui
Witness says plane took "evasive action" but airport says incident not out of ordinary.
The man had nowhere to spend the night and was 'distraught and upset'.
Buses are replacing trains on some Wellington routes today.
Do you know these men? Wellington police want to hear from you.
One listing on Trademe had to be removed after 25 hours after 55 applications flooded in.
Shocking pink, a vintage aesthetic, and smiling faces are all in for Cup Day.
A friend's Facebook post solved the mystery that doctors couldn't explain.
Historic buildings in Hurunui, Petone and Oamaru to have quake strengthening and repairs.
The same donation box was stolen twice within a week from a Wellington supermarket.
Zookeepers employ inventive methods to keep their animals comfortable in the warm weather.
Beachgoers have spotted dolphins, jellyfish, stringrays - and something more ominous.
The group of five students are considering action after hike of $36 each
We don't know what persuaded him but it seem he's made another pragmatic decision.
A woman from the UK is looking for somewhere to sleep after a Jetstar flight was cancelled
Seven roads closed in Grey District as floods spread south on the West Coast.
Teen dad Noa Woolloff is living his dream of helping other young parents break stigmas.
Auckland hunting back-to-back national U15 Girls cricket titles in Whanganui
A plane spotter has caught the moment an Air NZ plane was forced to abort a landing.
A retired police dog and her owner were out for a walk at 4am when they spotted a crime.
The research showed 95 per cent of play equipment in 50 playgrounds had no shade cover.
The algae was at a level that could have been fatal for swimmers if they swallowed it.
A trademark stoush with Coca Cola has been settled with a new name: "No Strings".
A Wellington family has come forward after being caught off-guard by an online scam
There's a lot of different sides to living aboard people need to know before trying it.