Councillor loses appeal on indecent assault
David Scott says he can't afford to appeal the case any further.
David Scott says he can't afford to appeal the case any further.
Two hurt as car being chased by police crashes into truck.
The past six months have been the direst on record for the upper North Island.
Sculpture made famous by a bumbling climber has been returned to waterfront.
Councillors voted unanimously to support the indicative package.
Over eight months e-scooters have costed tax-payers nearly $3m in ACC injury claims.
Deane Drew appeared before a tribunal today to "face up to wrongdoings".
Donna gave up hope of seeing Prime again. Then a stranger's phone call reunited the pair.
Daniel Jess Moore kept peeking over changing room walls - until police arrived.
The Government has expanded its homelessness reduction policy into Wellington.
The defibrillator theft has hit home for the club after a recent incident
An electric scooter was tossed into a busy Wellington motorway lane.
A private training facility has "toughened glass for possible ball impact".
School camps may be an unexpected casualty of a new grant to low and mid-decile schools.
Group aims to have rat traps in a quarter of backyards.
Giraffes are globally threatened thanks to deforestation and human expansion.
Nigel Edgecombe said he knew he needed to be punished once he read the victim statements.
Harpreet Singh, 31, was left with a broken nose and a large gash to his hand.
Young playwright's experiences in Rotorua - and rap music - help drive the play.
The Royal New Zealand Air Force plane came down at 12.30pm on December 14, 1939.
James Whenuaroa lived on Wellington's streets and died before he got the help he needed.
Watching the Blues isn't easy, but here's a tip for a great game: Good potatoes.
The incident took place at Lambton Harbour in Wellington around 9am today.
Beatles John Lennon and Ringo Starr met extended family members in Wellington in 1964.
Will private vehicles be allowed in a second Mt Victoria tunnel?
Meeting moviestars and juggling politics, it's been an eventful year for Neve.
SSC boss Peter Hughes praised Makhlouf's leadership and integrity amid an investigation.
The Green Party has launched its local body election campaign for the capital.