Melting sea ice and polar bears: A Wellington physicist's Arctic expedition
Polar bears are "playful, enquiring creatures", says snow physicist after Arctic trip.
Polar bears are "playful, enquiring creatures", says snow physicist after Arctic trip.
Some Plimmerton residents may be out of their homes for Christmas.
Take care on your morning commute in the capital, council advises.
At least two properties had to be evacuated overnight in Wellington, due to bad weather.
Six minutes shy of the gloomiest November, summer promises warmth for Wellingtonians.
City north of Wellington holding its breath through heavy rain after flooding yesterday.
As locals clean up, authorities clear drains and run pumps before more rain hits.
The Ministry of Health will reveal if there are any new cases in the international team.
The Wellington Phoenix have found a direct replacement for striker Gary Hooper.
The Federation of Islamic Associations has released its report to the Royal Commission.
'Maybe they weren't expecting 500 people marching through the streets'.
Weekly column by Kāpiti's Greater Wellington Regional Council representative Penny Gaylor.
Flash flooding in Plimmerton brought three feet of contaminated water through homes.
A coroner has ruled the death as a drowning.
Mayor Anita Baker said she'd never seen so much water in Karehana Park.
Traffic is backed up and homes inundated after heavy rain in the capital.
James Copsey said the woman's cries for help were "echoing" around the waterfront.
While Riley sadly lost his battle a few days later, Declan is thriving eight months later.
"When I put on a shirt and blazer, my whole way of being changes," Sally-ann Moffat says.
iPhone users have downloaded the app 10,000 times since its release on Wednesday.
A youth has appeared in court by AVL following the incident.
Ninety-nine per cent of houses in the region sold in the third quarter made a profit.
Nine of New Zealand's most iconic roadies.
Harbourmaster files report with regional council over the potentially dangerous timber.
Police say lockdown was due to a 'credible' threat with possible links to white supremacy.
A student said an alleged would-be shooter targeted Wellington High online.
Santa asking children in Wellington and Christchurch not to sit on his knee.
The school said the "situation had been resolved with police support".
The average household water use in Wellington is much higher than in Auckland.