Wellington battered by 120km/h southerlies, rain and snow
The bad weather has also disrupted sea and air travel with ferries and flights cancelled.
The bad weather has also disrupted sea and air travel with ferries and flights cancelled.
The closed-looped scheme to re-use textile waste could make New Zealand a world leader.
Three-quarters of City Housing tenants pay more than 35 per cent of their income on rent.
From workforce of nearly 70 fulltime positions, 26 nurses have resigned within 12 months.
Students faking mental health issues have been called out by those with legitimate needs.
A strong wind warning is in place from 4pm Sunday, and snowfall is expected to 300m.
The region is bracing for a second dumping of heavy rain in less than a month.
Thunder and gales forecast, "pretty much everyone is getting rain" and there's snow, too.
Thunderstorms will light up North Island skies across the day before a wild weekend.
Greens say the Government has the resources to support both state and council tenants.
The flagship event for Wellington will go ahead despite St James theatre remaining closed.
Group says Let's Get Wellington Moving is moving in the wrong direction.
More elected members, city-wide councillors and ward amalgamation are on the table.
Health and safety concerns raised to from staff at Wellington's Emergency Department.
The ruling confirms bus drivers working split shifts are entitled to more breaks.
The listing also stated the flat's desk could only be used by the current flatmate.
The arts sector says venues aren't affordable making it difficult to present work.
If the long awaited motorway is one day late, it will cost the builder $7.75 million.
Wellington's Pasifika community has reflected on the impact of the Dawn Raids.
MPI wants to increase catch by as much as 133 per cent following rejuvenated stock levels.
The Herald understands staff were informed of the change last night.
Cocktail Wellington runs throughout the month of August alongside Wellington on a Plate.
Wellington Regional Hospital's ED has been close to full capacity for months on end.
Whanganui was 6C above its normal temperature for this time of year on Friday.
Wellington foodies and city visitors are in for a culinary extravaganza this August.
Efforts to revive him were unsuccessful after a rescue operation was undertaken by boat.
NZ cricketers embark on a week-long tour in celebration of their Test Championship win.
The average weekly rent in the cheapest region is $251.
Council documents confirm the theatre will not re-open in time to host the festival.
Hardwick Smith Lounge and the first floor of Petone Library have been temporary closed.